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在国家机构内,为了保证机关与机关之间联系畅通,以达到管理协调、指挥灵敏、运转自如的目的,就必须选择正确的行文方式,并遵循其原则要求,即必须遵守国家制订的统一的行文制度。 作为制发文件的机关,根据发文的需要,可以选择不同的发送方式,即不同的行文方式。从我国目前文书学理论关于行文方式的研究来看,一般把行文方式归纳为三个方向、七种方式。三个方向,即上行文、下行文、平行文;七种方式,即下行文可以采取逐级行文、多级行文和直达基层与群众三种,上行文分为逐级行文、多级行文和越级行文三种,以及平行文采取直接行文的方式。 根据机关工作关系(领导与被领导、业务指导与被指导、平级与不相隶属),机关与机关之间的来往文件就构成了一定的行文关系。按照行文关系,根据文件的发送去向,可以分为上行、平行、下行三个方向。但这并不是行文方式,而是根据发文与收文机关的地位、级 In national institutions, in order to ensure the smooth connection between the organs and the organs so as to achieve the objective of management and coordination, command and sensitivity, and ease of operation, we must select the proper mode of writing and comply with the principle that we must abide by the unified Culture system. As the agency that issued the document, according to the needs of the document, you can choose a different delivery method, that is, different modes of writing. From the current theory of clerical studies on the study of the way of writing, the general way of writing is summarized in three directions, seven ways. Three directions, that is, the upper essay, the next essay, the parallel essay; seven ways, that is, the next essay can take a step-by-step, multi-level text and direct access to the grass-roots and the masses of the three, the uplink is divided into progressive essay, The leapfrogged version of the three, as well as the parallel version of the text to take a direct way. According to the working relationship between the organs (leadership and being led, business guidance and being guided, with no affiliation), the correspondence between the organs and the organs constitutes a certain corpus relationship. In accordance with the language of the relationship, according to the documents sent to, can be divided into uplink, parallel, downlink three directions. However, this is not the style of writing, but rather the status and level of the issuing and receiving organizations
我县是以瑶族为主体,包括壮、苗、毛南、仫佬、回、水、汉等民族的全国八个瑶族自治县之一。 1958年12月5日,县人民委员会决定,成立都安瑶族自治县档案馆,主要管理瑶族自治
研究了电子束熔炼提纯钨过程中典型杂质的脱除,考察了电子束熔炼提纯钨的可行性,对电子束熔炼过程中的除杂动力学进行了分析,并确定了110、130、250 kW功率条件下杂质Fe、Si
潜虹珠幕成崖悬 ,   滂沱大雨喘歇更 , 款谷女弱霄园。机遇霎时逢。 三江独厚源头显 ,揽观云海潮涛貌 , 奔流急 ,望无际 , 宛转宽纤。荡滚珠膨。 汽浴销魂熟蛋 ,俯视
甘年伏案书生痴,走笔常在鸡鸣时。呕心推敲觅佳句,枯肠搜索费神思。谋篇唯惭华章少,报国常怕岁月迟。 Sweet book foolishness, writing pen often cock when. Eager to sea
大学毕业后 ,我便一直在机关工作。时间长了 ,一听到开会二字 ,心就发悸。开会 ,原本是为了便于研究工作或传达上级重要指示的一种节约时间、提高效率的行为 ,如今的大多数会