
来源 :风流一代 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wulaixiaosheng
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“生活原本沉闷,跑起来才有风。”这样一句话,让我心中一亮。很久了,我不曾体验过“跑起来”的感觉了。生活原本就该疏密有致,浓淡相宜。有时舒缓,有时急切,有时安宁,有时喧嚣,这才是生活的原貌。罗素说,参差多态是幸福的本源。可是,我们身边有多少人的日子一马平川?一天天,一月月,一年年,总是在重复,以至于一眼就能把人生望到头。很多人忘了跑起来的感觉,跑起来才有风,跑起来风生水起,跑起来风起云涌,跑起来风光无限…… “Life was boring, ran up only wind. ” Such a sentence, let me light up. For a long time, I have not experienced the feeling of “running up”. Originally the density of life should be induced, shades affordable. Sometimes soothing, sometimes eager, sometimes peaceful, sometimes noisy, this is the original appearance of life. Russell said that variable polymorphism is the source of happiness. However, how many people around us day by day? January, January and January are always repeated, so that one can look through life. Many people forget the feeling of running up, running up the wind, running fast, running up surging, running up the fame ...
具有一定静稳定的再入头部。再入运动都是动态稳定的。静不稳定再入头部可通过选取适当的初始转速达到动态稳定,文中给出了适合再入头部的稳定性判据。 Has a certain stati
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本文介绍机载电子设备用散热型印刷电路板(HTPCB)的选材、工艺试验及对相应结果的分析。 This article describes the selection of air-cooled printed circuit board (HTP
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