
来源 :农村电工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhengjiaxun2010
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我市处于西部干旱区。从1976年通电以来,已有近二十年的用电历史了。用电收费一直采用上门催收的办法。在春种秋收大忙季节、收费员登门收费少至四五趟,多至七八趟。真是说破了嘴皮,跑断了腿,吃尽了苦头,流尽了汗水。针对以上情况,按照上级文件精神,我市在1987年相继成立了乡电管站。由于乡(镇)企业突飞猛进,用电量与日俱增,电管站的工作量逐渐加大,80%的时间用在了抄表收费上,不能腾出更多时间用于改造“三类”破旧线路和更换64、73系列高耗能变压器。个别乡(镇)碰头线、拦腰线、爬墙线依然存在。主要原因一是资金不到位,二是受工作时间的限制。由于历年来一贯实行先用电,后收费的办法,个别乡(镇)企业常年拖欠电费,致使陈欠电费高达200多万元,严重制约了我局的经济流通,个别月份只能靠贷款、单位借款给上级电源交电费。为了改变此种状况,我局从1995年起实行“先交钱,后用电”。这种做法是符合社会主义市场经济规律的。下面把我局的具体规定介绍如下,供同仁借鉴。 一、进一步向用户宣传电力是商品。在市场经济运行中必须坚持“等价交换原则”自觉交纳电费是每个电力用户的光荣责任。 Our city is in arid area in the west. Since the electricity supply in 1976, there have been nearly two decades of electricity history. Electricity charges have been used for on-site collection. In the spring and autumn harvest season, toll collectors charge as little as 45 or as many as seven or eight. Really said that he broke his lips and broke his leg. He suffered all his hard work and sweated. In view of the above, in accordance with the spirit of the superior documents, the city established the township power management stations in 1987. As the township (town) enterprises are making rapid progress and their electricity consumption is increasing day by day, the workload of power management stations is gradually increasing. 80% of the time is spent on meter reading fees, and more time cannot be spent on transforming the “three types” of worn-out lines. And replace the 64, 73 series of high energy transformers. Individual townships (towns) meet the head line, block the waistline, and climb the wall. One of the main reasons is that funds are not in place and the second is limited by working hours. Due to the consistent practice of using electricity for the first time and charging afterwards, individual township (town) enterprises have defaulted on electricity bills all the year round, resulting in Chen’s owed electricity bills of up to RMB 2 million, which severely restricted the economic circulation of the Bureau. Individual loans can only rely on loans. The unit borrows money from the higher power supply. In order to change this situation, the Bureau implemented the “pay first, then use electricity” since 1995. This approach is in line with the laws of the socialist market economy. The specific provisions of the Bureau are described below for reference by colleagues. I. Further promoting electricity to users is a commodity. In the operation of market economy, we must adhere to the “equivalent exchange principle” and consciously pay electricity tariffs is the glorious responsibility of each power user.
立足市场转换机制开拓发展李育才(上海人造板厂上海200231)上海人造板厂是中国林产工业公司的合营企业之一,创建于1958年,现有职工1400余人。目前,工厂日形成年产胶合板20000m ̄3、中密度纤维板30000m ̄3、贴面刨花
在青海省内开发仲钨酸铵是集坚挺的国际市场,丰富的本省自然资源,高额的税后利润为一体的“短、平、快” 优工产品之一.是青海省近期内化先发展的适合本省省情的项目之一. T