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骨缺损的修复是一个棘手问题。对牙槽嵴因失牙而产生的齿槽吸收,为了恢复其生理功能和外形,过去曾采用多种方法。由于自身骨组织存在来源问题,异体组织有排异问题;合成材料的理化性质等多种原因,使其发展受到一定限制。本文介绍了用颗粒型羟基磷灰石在4种不同病种中的应用。①拨牙后牙槽窝内立即填塞30例,②铁芯羟基磷灰石人工种植牙根立即法为固位而填塞13例,③牙周病骨缺损填塞5例,④外伤后骨缺损填塞2例。通过临床表现,术后X线片1周、1月、3月、6月的观察,证实颗粒型羟基磷灰石种植材料与牙和骨的理化性能相似,具有良好的生物相容性,能诱导新骨生长,是一种优良的种植材料。作牙槽窝内填塞成功率高,能有效的保存牙槽嵴的高度 宽度和外形,有利于义齿的支持和固位。 Repair of bone defects is a thorny problem. Alveolar ridges of the alveolar ridge due to tooth absorption, in order to restore their physiological function and appearance, the past has used a variety of methods. Because of its own source of bone tissue problems, allograft rejection problems; the physical and chemical properties of synthetic materials and other reasons, its development is subject to certain restrictions. This article describes the use of particulate hydroxyapatite in four different disease types. ① Immediately after the tooth was sutured in the socket 30 cases, ② iron hydroxyapatite artificial root implants immediate method for the retention and filling in 13 cases, ③ periodontal disease bone defects in 5 cases, ④ traumatic bone defect filling 2 example. Through the clinical manifestations, postoperative radiographs of 1 week, January, March, June observation, confirmed that particulate hydroxyapatite implants and teeth and bone physical and chemical properties similar to, has good biocompatibility, can Induction of new bone growth, is an excellent planting material. For the success rate of alveolar fossa filling, alveolar ridge can effectively save the height width and shape, is conducive to the support and retention of the denture.
校园是我们每天生活学习的地方,这里有我们敬爱的老师,有朝夕相处的同学,这里留下了我们太多的快乐、幸福、成功、烦恼、失败…… The campus is where we live and study e
我国的牙医学从50年代起,逐渐拓宽业务范围,沿用苏联模式而改制为目前的口腔医学,其临床业务包括口腔外科、口腔内科和口腔修复科三个专业。 Since the 1950s, China's dent
患者女,16岁。因右面部无痛性包块1年余,于1986年2月11日就诊。查右面部尖牙窝和颧骨下区上颌骨骨壁上有一无痛硬性包块约4×2×2cm.X 线片示:右上颌骨骨质增厚,右上颌窦钙
黑龙江省伊春市第二中学位于小兴安岭南麓,至今已有50年的办学历史。学校校园环境优美,是黑龙江省省级文明单位、省绿色环保学校、省教育科研先进单位等。 Second Middle Sc
败下阵来    “银家细兜蝶伦歌迷嘛!”  听着我的学生罗玲说的外星语,我倍感毛骨悚然,仿佛被一掌推入火星时代。  “好好说话!周杰伦就周杰伦!不要什么兜蝶伦!”  我板着脸,做严师状。  可这位最听老师话的罗玲居然用一种最不屑的眼光瞄了我,“刘老师,你不懂!”  是啊!我的确不懂,我搞不懂现在的偶像明星怎么连话都说不清楚,可喜欢他的学生却照样为他发疯。  我有点悲哀地想起了我激情而幼稚的岁月,我
在这里,优小为你们传递亲情、友情、师生情,真情不断。灾区的小朋友们你们好:你们四川的大地震,牵动着全国每一个人的心。 Here, excellent small for your affection, frie
忠者:女,42岁。下唇反复肿痛,鳞屑覆盖、脱皮、轻度糜烂3年,经长期外涂氢化可的松软膏、口服氯喹、维生素 B_1、B_2、强的松龙普鲁卡因局部封闭, Loyal: Female, 42 years