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近十年来,我国的基础教育在体制之外出现了一种新的办学模式:国际学校和国际部.1997年,经教育部批准并审核备案,建立了第一所中外合作办学的民办中学,北京中加学校.此后类似的学校在全国各大城市出现.当时招生的主要对象是中考分数较低,但家庭比较富裕的学生.学校按照国外的课程系统上课,学生毕业后通过中介机构到国外大学读书.进入新世纪后,随着中国经济的高速发展,随着许多孩子适应不了从小学就开始的激烈的升学竞争,越来越多的父母希望将孩子送往国外就读中学.但是这种方式花销不菲,并且孩子太小无法照顾,一般家庭难以承受.基于巨大的市场需求,全国各大城市的国际学校越办越多.一部分招收外国学生,他们的父母多为外企高管或技术人员,比如上海中学国际部,人大附中国际部;更多的招收中国学生,毕业后考到国外的大学读书,比如华南师范大学国际预科中心,南京大学附中,无锡市一中,北师大实验中学的国际班.2008年,北京市教委正式下文,批准北京师大二附中,首师大学附中等重点中学建立国际部,进入国际部的学生的中考成绩也提升到中等或中等偏上水平.学生们学习国内外两种课程,不参加国内的高考.与此同时,上海中学,华南师大预科,北京四中,师大实验中学都输送过若干批尖子生到欧洲北美等地非常优秀的大学学习.数学通报将发表两篇访谈和一篇综述,向读者介绍这种办学模式. In the past ten years, basic education in our country has emerged as a new mode of running schools outside the system: the International School and the International Department. In 1997, after approval by the Ministry of Education and examination and filing, the first privately-run secondary school with Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools was established. Beijing and Canada schools .Following similar schools in major cities across the country appeared when the main target of enrollment is lower scores in exams, but the family is more affluent students. Schools in accordance with the foreign curriculum system class, after graduating students through intermediaries to foreign countries After entering the new century, with the rapid economic development in China, more and more parents hope to send their children abroad for high school education as many children can not cope with the fierce competition for further studies that started from elementary school. However, this Based on the huge market demand, the international schools in major cities across the country more and more.Part of foreign students to recruit, most of their parents are foreign executives or foreign-owned enterprises, Technical staff, such as the Shanghai International Department of Middle School, the International Department of the Central People’s Congress; more recruit Chinese students, after graduation test to study abroad universities, such as South China Division International Preparatory Center for Fan University, Middle School Affiliated to Nanjing University, Wuxi Middle School and Beijing Normal University Experimental High School. In 2008, Beijing Municipal Education Commission formally approved the establishment of International Department of Secondary High School Attached to Beijing Normal University , Enter the International Department of the students in the entrance exam scores also rose to the middle or upper middle level .Students learn two courses at home and abroad, do not participate in the national college entrance examination .At the same time, Shanghai High School, South China Normal University preparatory school, Beijing four, division Large Experimental High School has delivered a number of first-class students to Europe, North America and other places very good university learning mathematics bulletin will publish two interviews and a review to introduce readers to this mode of running school.
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在中国经济的发展中,中小型企业作出了重大的贡献,因此,它们的健康发展,对我国经济的稳定和全面发展有著深远的影响。 但在我国现行的融资体制下,中小型企业的融资渠道十分狭窄