一衣带水 情谊深长──中日缔结和平友好条约二十年小记

来源 :今日四川 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:archer_zhang
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On the occasion the 20th anniversary of the Sino-Japanese Treaty for Peace and Friendship,the Foreign Language Department of Sichuan University hosted a special Japanese Cultural Festival to commemorate this event. Other kinds of ceremonial activities were also held in different parts of the province. Sichuan Sikai Software Company, the Stomatological Hospital attached to West China University of Medical Sciences, as well as the Pharmaceutical Factory affiliated to West China University of Medical Sciences are among the enterprises which have greatly benefited, over the past one decade, from cooperation and exchange with Japan. Their successful cooperation with Japanese partners has won high praises from the departments concerned of both the Chinese and Japanese governments. The efforts made by many Japanese friends who devote themselves to promoting the friendship and understanding between China and Japan, have enhanced the good relationship and cooperation between Sichuan and Hiroshima, Japan in recent years. On the occasion the 20th anniversary of the Sino-Japanese Treaty for Peace and Friendship, the Foreign Language Department of Sichuan University hosted a special Japanese Cultural Festival to commemorate this event. Other kinds of ceremonial activities were also held in different parts of the province. Sichuan Sikai Software Company, the Stomatological Hospital attached to West China University of Medical Sciences, as well as the Pharmaceutical Factory affiliated to West China University of Medical Sciences are among the enterprises that have greatly benefited, over the past one decade, from cooperation and exchange with Japan. Their successful cooperation with Japanese partners has won high praises from the departments concerned of both the Chinese and Japanese governments. The efforts made by many Japanese friends who devote themselves to promoting the friendship and understanding between China and Japan, have enhanced the good relationship and cooperation between Sichuan and Hiroshi ma, Japan in recent years.
The China National Committee for the1983 World Communications Year was set upin Beijing on December 24th last year.TheChairman of the Committee is Zhu Xuefan,V
宇文所安(Stephen Owen)是哈佛大学詹姆斯·布莱恩特·柯南德级教授,现任教于哈佛大学东亚系和比较文学系。宇文所安(Stephen Owen)是哈佛大学詹姆斯·布莱恩特·柯南德级教
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依据银钎剂QJ1 0 2的原料配比 ,通过改进配制工艺 ,对银钎剂进行了改性处理研究。分析了改性机理 ,并对改性所得的钎剂进行了钎焊性能测试。测试结果表明 ,改性后的银钎剂已