
来源 :人民军医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shujun2000
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野战高炮部队分散机动性较大,有的炮连经常处于频繁的流动环境,时有备战状态或战斗。处境较艰苦,生活不规律,精神紧张,睡眠、休息无充分保障。此种情况下对疾病预防工作自然会带来一些困难。但炮611团四连却并未因条件不好而影响到成员健康,表现在该连已8年无食物中毒,3年无瘧疾、流感。该连向无营房,长期居住在山头、丘陵、海滩、稻田、帐棚内,执行机动作战和训练任务。1954年军区会授予该连战绩二等功。四连平时是怎样保障官兵健康的 Field anti-aircraft artillery units dispersed mobility is larger, and some are often in frequent mobile environment, ready for war or fighting. The situation is more difficult, irregular life, mental stress, sleep, rest without adequate protection. Under such circumstances, it will naturally bring about some difficulties in disease prevention. However, the company did not cause any adverse effects on the health of its members despite the poor conditions. It has shown that the company has not had food poisoning for 8 years and no malaria or flu for 3 years. The contingent has no barracks and has long lived in hills, hills, beaches, paddy fields and tents, performing maneuvers and training missions. In 1954 the military district will be awarded the second record of the company. How to protect the officers and men with a four-level peacetime
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In the viewpoint of heat transfer, heat transport potential capacity and its dissipation are defined based on the essence of heat transport phenomenon. Respecti
一、锻炼走路不宜过早偏瘫初期,病人肌肉处于弛缓阶段,瘫侧关节控制能力下降,如果过早锻炼走路,不仅收不到良好效果,而且容易造成肌肉、韧带或关节的损伤,为今后步行锻 Firs
多器官功能障碍综合征 (m ultiple organ dysfunctionsyndrom ,MODS)的研究迄今已有近 30年的历史 ,但其病死率仍无明显下降 [1~ 3] 。文献报道 ,全身炎症反应综合征 (SIRS)和