
来源 :中国急救复苏与灾害医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a504468075
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目的:分析中国国际救援队(CISAR)在历次国际救援实践中派出的医疗队的特点。方法回顾性分析CISAR组队10年来派出的13批次国际医疗队的组队模式、救援时间、人员配置、救援形式与成效等特点。结果13批次国际灾害救援中6批次是以搜救为主体的组队模式(搜救型),特点是在灾害救援的早期(灾后6 d内)出队,医学救援以外伤急救为主,到达灾区的时间平均为灾后2.17d,救援时间平均为10.67d,医生构成比为19.78%(38/192),护理人员构成比2.08%(4/192),人均救治伤员数为104.47人次。另外7批次是以医疗为主体的组队模式(医疗型),特点是救援的中期或亚急期(灾后7~30 d)以及晚期或恢复期(灾后l~3个月)出队,到达灾区的时间平均为灾后32d,救援时间平均为18.14d,医生构成比为63.92%,护理人员构比为15.79%,人均救治伤员260人次,主要治疗灾害相关的呼吸、消化道疾病、防治传染病暴发流行、开展卫生防疫等。结论根据灾区任务需求,有两种组队模式。搜救型的特点是快速反应、快速到达、快速展开、,工作以搜救、急救为主;医疗型出队时间迟,救援天数长,医务人数多,医生构成比和护理人数构成比人均高,人均救治伤员数多。“,”Objective To analyze the characteristics of international medical teams in international disaster medical rescue based on the pracrise of China International Search and Rescue Team (CISAR). Methods The relevant data of the groups dispatched to different disaster areas in the world by CISAR were analyzed retrospectively. Results Thirteen teams were dispatched to different areas suffering from earthquake, trsunami, flood, or typhoon in 7 countries of 3 continents since its establishment 10 years before. there were 2 maeshalling modes. Six groups were of search and rescue type, characterized by esrly setting off (within 6 days after disaster), early arrival (within 2.7 days after disaster, shorter rescue time (10.67 days on average), lower proportions of physicians (19.78%) and of nurses (15.79%), and less per capita number of casualties treated (104.47), and with priority to first aid and treatment of trauma for the medical personnel. And 7 groups were of medical treatment type, characterized by later setting ogff (7~70 days even 2~3 months after disaster), longer rescue and treatment time (18.14 days), higher proportions of physicians (63.92%) and of nurses (15.79%), and more per capita casualties treated (260), and with priority to treatment of respiratory and difgestive dieases and infectious diseases, and epidemic preventionfor the medical personnel . Conclusion In response to the realities of disasters tyhere are 2 types of disaster relief medical teams. The characteristics of the search and rescue teams include quick reaction, rapid arrival, search and rescue, and first aid;and the priority of the treatment type teeams is to treat different dieases and hygiene work.
患者,女,32岁,因左NFDA1趾内侧疼痛8年,加重伴NFDA1趾肿胀1个月入院.入院前曾行血尿酸、抗O、RF未见异常,ESR 28 mm/L.入院查体:疼痛性跛行,左NFDA1趾跖趾关节周
一、原潮州港建设思想的制约 1.自然条件优越的价值光法体现 潮州港原名三百门港,是华南地区深水良港之一,潮州港是一个较完整的海湾型港口,岸线总长136公里,港区水域面积533