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基于三维定常N-S方程和k-ε双方程湍流模型,采用有限体积法模拟了高速铁路桥梁上透风式挡风墙高度对列车气动性能的影响,分析了挡风墙后列车倾覆力矩、接触网处风速与挡风墙高度之间的关系,结合风洞试验验证了数值方法的正确性。分析结果表明:安装挡风墙后,随着挡风墙高度的增加,当量横向力系数、倾覆力矩系数绝对值迅速减小;在相同挡风墙高度下,背风线列车当量升力系数约为迎风线列车的1/2;无挡风墙、无列车通过桥梁时,两线路接触网处横向风速基本相同,而当列车通过桥梁迎风线和背风线时,其接触网处横向风速急剧升高,分别增加约28.9%和27.2%;安装一定高度挡风墙后,随挡风墙高度的增加,接触网处横向风速整体呈现减小趋势,背风线风速减小较快;无论单侧还是双侧挡风墙,桥梁挡风墙合理高度均为2.8m。 Based on the three-dimensional steady-state Navier-Stokes equations and the k-ε turbulence model, the finite volume method was used to simulate the influence of the height of the ventilated wall on the aerodynamic performance of the train on the high-speed railway bridge. The overturning moments, The relationship between the wind speed and the height of the wind shield is verified by the wind tunnel test. The analysis results show that with the increase of the height of the wind-shielding wall, the absolute value of the equivalent lateral force coefficient and overturning moment coefficient decreases rapidly when the wind-shielding wall is installed. The equivalent lift coefficient of the lee- When there is no train passing the bridge, the transverse wind speed at the contact line of the two lines is basically the same. When the train passes the windward line and the leeward line of the bridge, the transverse wind speed at the contact net of the train rises sharply, Respectively, increased about 28.9% and 27.2% respectively. After the installation of a certain height of the wind wall, with the increase of the height of the wind wall, the transverse wind speed at the contact net showed a decreasing trend overall and the wind speed of the leeward line decreased rapidly. Wind wall, a reasonable height of the bridge wind wall are 2.8m.
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