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……黄河规划委员会在“黄河综合利用技术经济报告”中,提出了解决以下几个问题的方案:第一,有效地解决黄河下游的防洪问题;第二,合理地解决流域内的土地灌溉问题;第三,解决流域内新建和擬建各工业基地的电力供应问题;第四,大力开发西北区的水土保持工作,制止水土流失,进一步发展西北地区的农业生产;第五,发展黄河的航运问题。报告并根据我国目前迫切需要和可能,提出了第一期工程目标。其中比较重要的,是三门峡(河南陕县以东)和刘家峡(甘肃兰州以西)雨大水力枢纽。三门峡水力枢纽是治理和开发黄河的关键,水库建成後,就可以基本解决黄河严重的水灾威脅;河北、山东,河南三省廣大農田将得到灌溉;利用水力發電,可使以上三省的工農業生産得到充分的電力供应;下游航運將得到發展。…… ... The Yellow River Planning Commission put forward a solution to the following problems in the Technical and Economic Report on Comprehensive Utilization of the Yellow River: first, to effectively solve flood control problems in the lower reaches of the Yellow River; secondly, to rationally solve the problem of land irrigation in the basin Third, to solve the problem of power supply in new and proposed industrial bases in the basin; Fourth, to develop soil and water conservation in the northwestern area to stop water and soil loss and further develop agricultural production in the northwest; Fifth, to develop the Yellow River shipping problem. Report and put forward the first phase of the project according to the current urgent needs and possibilities in our country. Among them, Sanmenxia (east of Shannxi County in Henan Province) and Liujiaxia (west of Lanzhou of Gansu Province) are major hydropower hubs. Sanmenxia hydraulic junction is the key to harnessing and developing the Yellow River. After the reservoir is completed, it will be able to basically solve the serious flood threat of the Yellow River. The vast farmlands in Hebei, Shandong and Henan provinces will be irrigated. Utilizing hydroelectric power will enable industrial and agricultural production in the above three provinces Adequate electricity supply; downstream shipping will be developed. ...
The present material of the Charophyta remains was collected by Messrs.H.H.Yao and T.H.Mi in 1944 from the middle part of the Kucha Forma-tion at Kizil-Ming-Oi
我厂过去熔化铜合金、铝合金及稀土镁中间合金是采用地坑式焦碳炉,在坩埚内熔化。这种工艺,劳动条件差,成 In the past, our factory melted copper alloy, aluminum alloy
一、前言我区(牡丹江地区)地方生铁一般为高硅、高磷、高硫、低磷、低锰。 I. Preface My district (Mudanjiang area) local pig iron is generally high silicon, high phos
The region under discussion is to the north, west and south of Chungking. It is a region involving three dominant anticlinal ridges and a few minor structural