Experimental evaluation of an on-demand multipath routing protocol for video transmission in mobile

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University Science A(Science in Engineer | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ggep123
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We propose an on-demand multiparth routing algorithm in a mobile ad hoc network for video transmission and evaluate its real world performance in video streaming application. There have been a number of multipath routing protocols extended from AODV which is a well-known single path routing protocol. Multipath routing protocols indicate good performance in the reduction of route discovery latency and unnecessary routing packets in simulations. We show that the route establishment using source route lists provided by us (Hu and Johnson, 2002) can reduce the route discovery latency, select stable routes automatically, and work well for live video streaming without limitation of the hop count based approaches. We evaluate this proposed method compared with the original AODV by using eight laptop PCs and demonstrate live streaming experiments. There is a number of multipath routing protocols extended from AODV which is a well-known single path routing protocol. Multipath routing protocols indicate good performance in the reduction of route discovery latency and unnecessary routing packets in simulations. We show that the route establishment using source route lists provided by us (Hu and Johnson, 2002) can reduce the route discovery latency, select stable routes automatically, and work well for live video streaming without limitation of the hop count based approaches. We evaluate this proposed method compared with the original AODV by using eight laptop PCs and demonstrate live streaming experiments.
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