
来源 :中华消化外科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hhlovels
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The purpose of this review is to provide a concise view of the existing knowledge of autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) for practicing clinicians.AIP is a rare disease whose recognition and understanding are evolving.It is a type of chronic pancreatitis which often presents as obstructive jaundice,has a distinctive histology and is exquisitely sensitive to steroid therapy.This form of chronic pancreatitis has a unique clinical,biochemical,and radiological profile.The term “AIP” encompasses two subtypes:type 1 and type 2.Type 1 AIP is the pancreatic manifestation of a systemic fibro-inflammatory disease called IgG4 associated systemic diseases; type 2 AIP has been shown to be associated with inflammatory bowel disease.Existing criteria are geared towards the diagnosis of type 1 AIP.At present,pancreatic histology is a requirement for the definitive diagnosis of type 2 AIP.AIP can mimic most other pancreatic diseases in its presentation,but in clinical practice it often has to be differentiated from pancreatic cancer.There are established criteria and algorithms not only to diagnose AIP but also differentiate it from pancreatic cancer.The utility of these algorithms and the approach to management are discussed here.
目的 观察光子治疗仪治疗肛缘水肿的疗效.方法 肛缘水肿患者65例,随机分成两组:光子治疗组33例(其中肛缘水肿Ⅰ度25例、Ⅱ度6例、Ⅲ度2例),50%硫酸镁湿敷治疗组32例(其中肛缘
百草枯( paraquat,PQ),商品名为克芜踪,在农业中广泛应用已近50年,作为非选择性除草剂应用在世界范围内超过100个国家,受到广泛接受与欢迎,但同时对人畜有很强的毒性.患者多
目的 总结腹部手术后胃瘫综合征的临床特点及诊断和治疗原则.方法 回顾性分析我院近10年来诊治的28例腹部术后胃瘫综合征患者的临床资料.结果 本组28例患者全部经保守治疗痊
目的探讨24 h动态心电图(DCG)和心肌灌注分级心肌呈色(MBG)之间的相关性。方法选取78例因胸痛就诊而疑似冠心病患者,所有患者均行DCG和冠状动脉造影(CAG)检查,造影过程中同时
目的 调查分析某医院护理人员对护理文化满意度,为进一步完善医院护理文化建设提供依据.方法 对医院护理人员进行护理文化满意度问卷调查,数据采用SPSS13.0进行统计处理.结果