
来源 :金秋 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zengquaner
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诚如许多人所言,我们似乎处于一个到处是泡沫,大萧条马上就要来临的严酷经济环境中。身处局中,只是盲人摸象。2014年,站在这个时代节点上,我能感知到的转型中的中国变化,有以下几个方面。行业规律的力量成熟的行业在走向集中。竞争作用与马太效应,利润率不断下降,行业龙头越来越强大,小企业要么转型,要么消亡。十几年前,家电行业繁荣的时候,新飞冰箱广告做得好,美菱冰箱保鲜做得好,还有小天鹅洗衣机,荣事达洗衣机,澳柯玛冰柜,一大票的品牌百花齐放。如今,屹立在家电行业顶峰的三大家只有海 As many have said, we seem to be in a harsh economic environment full of bubbles and the Great Depression coming to an end. Living in the bureau, just blind people like. In 2014, standing at the node of this era, I can perceive the changes in China during the transition in the following aspects. The law of the industry's strength Mature industries are moving toward concentration. The role of competition and Matthew effect, the declining profit margins, the industry leader more powerful, small business or transition, or die. More than a decade ago, when the prosperity of the home appliances industry, the new fly ads do well, Meiling refrigerator fresh well, there are Little Swan washing machines, washing machines Rongshida, Aucma freezer, a large number of brand flowers bloom. Today, the top three home appliances industry only sea
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The emission angle and the transverse momentum distributions of projectile fragments produced in the fragmentation of~(56)Fe on CH_2,C and Al targets at 471-4 M
英语阅读一直以来都是高考备考的难点,甚至有人说“得阅读者得英语”。最困扰同学们的是“主旨大意”类题目。从2016年各地的高考真题命题来看,主旨大意考题有比重减少的趋势,但必考。  [设问形式]  1. what may be the best title for the text?  2. what does the story intend to tell us?  3. This passag
目的:探讨不同培养方法对多发性骨髓瘤(multiple myeloma,MM)患者异常核型检出率的影响。方法:以25例随访诊治的MM患者为研究对象,抽取并分离单个核细胞,分别经直接法、24h短