
来源 :国外医学.外科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chaba
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急性胰腺炎时胰消化酶在细胞内被激活,可能损伤以致破坏胰腺、或可经血运释放到周身而引起休克、呼吸窘迫、肾衰、心律不齐和死亡。在动物实验中和人体已知生长抑制激素Somatostatin(SRIF)是强的抑制胰分泌剂,对胰腺细胞有保护作用,因此,有人提示SRIF可能为治疗急性胰腺炎的有用药物。本研究为SRIF和一种长效生长抑制激素制剂SMS 201-995用于予防和治疗实验性急性胰腺炎。实验动物为大鼠,结扎大鼠总胆管下端进入十二指肠处,造成胆汁反流到胰管而引起急性胰腺炎,一组在结扎前即刻一次静脉注射SRIF 4 ng/kg体重,并连续滴注SRIF Pancreatic digestive enzymes in the pancreas is activated in the pancreas, may damage the destruction of the pancreas, or may be released by the blood to the whole body and cause shock, respiratory distress, renal failure, arrhythmia and death. Somatostatin (SRIF), a growth inhibitory hormone known to be well known in animal experiments, is a potent inhibitor of pancreatic secretions and has a protective effect on pancreatic cells. Therefore, it has been suggested that SRIF may be a useful drug for the treatment of acute pancreatitis. This study is SRIF and a long-acting growth inhibitory hormone preparation SMS 201-995 for the prevention and treatment of experimental acute pancreatitis. The experimental animals were rats. The lower end of the common bile duct of rats was ligated into the duodenum, causing the bile to flow back to the pancreatic duct to cause acute pancreatitis. One group was intravenously injected with SRIF 4 ng / kg body weight immediately before ligation Instil SRIF
我院内科消化组自1982年1月至1985年12月,纤维胃镜检查共2689例,其中老年人104例,青壮年2585例,进行同种病变比较分析。 In our hospital internal medicine digestion gro
上消化道出血是高血压脑出血的严重并发症之一 ,它与预后密切相关。我院 1993年 3月~ 1999年 3月收治高血压脑出血 112例 ,其中并发上消化道出血 18例。现将有关资料报告如下
近年来 ,“脑心综合征”(AMI)引起了心脑血管临床医师的普遍重视。但急性脑血管意外并发AMI者临床较少见。现将我院 1993年~ 1999年收治的急性脑血管意外并发AMI13例报告如下 :1 临床
在某学校学生中进行问卷调查,“你最不喜欢什么样的老师”一题答案中最多的竟是“不会笑的老师”。这一结论给我们以启示。 微笑是一种常见的体态语言,微笑是人类表达。情感的
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