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1922年夏,方志敏为找工作来到上海.二十多天过去,四处奔走,工作未找到,盘缠却所剩无几.一天他与遭受同样命运的几位同乡相约在黄浦江边的法国公园见面,相谈下步打算.走到公园门口,看到一块刺目的牌子:“华人与狗不准入内.”方志敏一行顿时肺都气炸了,脸上火辣辣地直发烧,感到从未受过这样的侮辱!法国人在中国的土地上建造公园,而作为主人公的中国人反而“不准入内”,而且还将中国人与狗同等起来,联想到十里洋场所见到的:一面是出入于酒吧间、跳舞厅、夜总会的大亨、阔少、贵妇,一面是衣着褴褛、沿街行乞的逃荒者……这是何等黑暗的社会.方志敏暗暗立下誓言:这个社会一定要推翻,将来我们要建造自己的新公园. In the summer of 1922, Fang Zhimin came to Shanghai to find a job, and over twenty days passed, he ran around, his work was not found, and there was not much left on his hands. One day he met with several fellow citizens who suffered the same fate in the French Park on the Huangpu River Meet, plan to go next. Walked to the park entrance, saw a stingy brand: “Chinese and dogs are not allowed to enter.” Fang Zhimin and his party suddenly lungs are exploded, his face burning hot, never feel never Such an insult! The Frenchman built a park on China’s land, while the Chinese as the protagonist were “not permitted to enter the country.” They also equaled the Chinese with dogs, reminding them of what the Shiliyang place saw: Out of bar, dance halls, nightclub tycoon, less wide, lady, one side is dressed in ragged, begging the streets of the runaway ... What a dark society .Fang Zhimin secretly vowed: this society must overthrow the future We want to build our own new park.
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人间之苦,就为了支持妹妹圆那一个遥远的大学梦……刘文林蹲过监狱,卖过血,拖着脓血不止的下肢,吃尽 1985年9月,刘文林16岁的妹妹从山旮旯一举中榜,考入资阳市重点中学。生
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