中共海南省委办公厅 海南省人民政府办公厅关于做好2003年军队转业干部安置工作的通知

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各市、县、自治县党委和人民政府,省委各部门,省级国家机关各部门,各人民团体,省属各企事业单位,中央驻琼各单位:今年的军队转业干部安置工作,要按照中央的统一部署,以党的十六大精神和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,认真贯彻落实胡锦涛总书记关于军转安置工作的重要指示和全国军队转业干部安置工作电视电话会议精神,坚持为经济社会发展和军队建设服务的方针,继续把接收安置军队转业干部工作作为一项重要的政治任务,突出计划分配师、团级职务转业干部安置重点,建立完善自主择业转业干部管理服务体系,确保安置任务的圆满完成。今年国家下达我省的军转安置任务是443 Party committees and people's governments at all levels in cities, counties and autonomous counties, departments and departments at the provincial level, departments and public organizations at the provincial level, all people's organizations and enterprises in the provinces, and units under the Central Government in Qiongjao: In this year's resettlement of cadres residing in the army, Guided by the spirit of the 16th National Party Congress and the important thinking of the 'Three Represents,' we conscientiously implemented General Secretary Hu Jintao's important instructions on the work of resettling demobilized soldiers and the teleconference of the national army for the demobilization of cadres, Adhere to the guideline of serving economic and social development and army building, continue to take the work of receiving and rehousing cadres resigned as cadres as an important political task, highlight the key points of resettlement of division planners and group-level cadres, and establish and perfect a management and service system , To ensure the successful completion of the resettlement task. This year, the task assigned to resettle our army in our province is 443
1997年,湖南省人防工作,坚持以经济建设为中心,以贯彻实施人民防空法为重点,以市场为导向,取得了显著成绩。要使人防工作继续稳步发展,当前必须牢牢抓住两大主题:深化 In 1
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