中风是高血压病常见的并发症,预防中风的关键是控制血压。高血压病常规治疗主要包括降压、利尿、镇静等,但若用药不当,治疗操之过急,会引起药源性中风,因此,高血压病患者用药时应加以注意。 1.降压不宜过快。脑组织的血流量主要靠血压来维持,若使用作用较强的降压药或服用降压药量过大,会使血压骤然大幅度下降,脑血管出现供血不足,血流缓慢,血液易淤积形成脑血栓(中风)。患者应在医生指导下,服用较为平和的降压药,使血压逐渐趋于正常,尤应避免
Stroke is a common complication of hypertension and the key to stroke prevention is blood pressure control. Hypertension routine treatment include antihypertensive, diuretic, sedation, etc., but if improper treatment, treatment of acute, will lead to drug-induced stroke, therefore, hypertensive patients should pay attention to the medication. 1. Buck should not be too fast. Mainly by the blood flow of brain tissue to maintain, if the use of a strong antihypertensive drugs or taking antihypertensive drugs is too large, will suddenly sharp drop in blood pressure, cerebral blood supply appears inadequate blood flow, blood sedimentation The formation of cerebral thrombosis (stroke). Patients should be under the guidance of a doctor, taking a more moderate antihypertensive drugs, blood pressure gradually tends to normal, especially should be avoided