据说在500多年前,郑和七次下西洋,每次回国都用红木压船舱。木工艺匠把带回的这种木质坚硬,细腻、纹理美丽的红木做成家具、工艺品及园林建筑,进贡宫廷供帝王将相和后妃们享用。这就是红木家俱的起源。 材质稀罕,工艺特殊的红木家具陈设富丽堂皇,使得满室生辉,自明清以来,一直被视为富豪望族、书香门第的身份象征,人们争相购置,代代相传,沿袭至今…… 沧桑变化,历史行进到了改革开放,加快发展经济,人们生活水平不断提高的新时代。红木
It is said that more than 500 years ago, Zheng He made seven trips to the West, and every time he returned to China, he pressed the cabin with redwood. The wood craftsman made the wooden hard, delicate, and beautiful mahogany with furniture, crafts, and garden architecture brought back to the court for the emperors and later monks to enjoy. This is the origin of mahogany furniture. With rare materials and unique mahogany furniture, the mahogany furniture is magnificently decorated, making it full of brilliance. Ever since the Ming and Qing dynasties, it has been regarded as a status symbol for the rich and noble families and scholars. People vie for purchase, passed down from generation to generation, and inherited from now... With changes, the history has come to a new era of reform and opening up, accelerating the development of the economy, and continuously improving people’s living standards. Redwood