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党的十五届四中全会通过的《中共中央关于国有企业改革和发展若干重大问题的决定》,为解决企业负债率过高的问题,提出了实施债转股这一政策措施。而这项旨在改善国有企业负债结构,改善银行资产质量的战略决策在具体实施过程中必然涉及这样或那样的法律问题,必然需要律师的介入。为此,金融时报社联合北京同达律师事务所举办“债转股法律问题研讨会”,邀请金融界、法学界专家学者及资产管理公司的一线工作人员,共同探讨如何协调银行、资产管理公司和企业三方的法律关系,不良资产的剥离、回购、处置等债转股工作中遇到的和可能遇到的法律问题。 会上同达律师事务所刘红宇律师就此问题,从历史的、政治的、经济的角度出发,对债转股问题做了精辟分析。 The “Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Some Important Issues concerning the Reform and Development of State-owned Enterprises” adopted by the Fourth Plenary Session of the 15th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China put forward the policy measures of implementing debt-equity swap in order to solve the problem of excessive debt-rate of enterprises. However, this strategic decision aimed at improving the debt structure of state-owned enterprises and improving the quality of bank assets inevitably involves one or the other legal issues in the specific implementation process and necessarily requires the involvement of lawyers. To this end, the Financial Times, together with Beijing Tongda Law Office held a “Debt to Equity Seminar on Legal Issues”, invited the financial sector, jurisprudence scholars and asset management companies front-line staff to discuss how to coordinate the banks, asset management companies And the legal relationship between the three parties of the enterprise, the divestiture of non-performing assets, the repurchase and the disposal of debt-for-equity swap and other legal issues that may be encountered. At the meeting, Liu Hongyu, a lawyer with Tongda Law Office, made a brilliant analysis of the debt-for-equity issue from the perspectives of history, politics and economy.
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说起来,有些遥远了,10年以前,一个漂亮的台湾小男生,以一首《十七岁那年的雨季》挺进大陆市场,几乎是在一夜间,林志颖这个名字响彻校园内外。 To put it in some ways, som
  Agricultural direct application of phosphate rock (PR) to treat the phosphorus deficiency and soil acidity is a well known practice.Toxic heavy metals as we