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很多人把每月造访一次的月经视为“老朋友”,但却不怎么喜欢它,嫌它麻烦,更是害怕疼痛、腹胀等反应。因为从来没有好好地去认识这位“老朋友”,所以一旦出现问题就茫然不知所措。既然这个老朋友要陪伴你三四十年,何不花些功夫了解它,从细节方面去呵护它,并以轻松自然的态度面对,让每天都充满惬意和快乐呢! Many people regard menstruation, which is visited once a month, as an “old friend” but do not like it so much. It is troublesome and even more afraid of pain, bloating and other reactions. Because I never knew the “old friend” well, I was overwhelmed with problems. Since this old friend wants to accompany you for thirty or forty years, why not take time to know about it, take care of it from details, and face it in a relaxed and natural manner, so that every day is full of happiness and joy!
不舍昼夜,风雨兼程,地球背负着几十亿儿女,无怨无悔地又绕太阳转了一周。 地球与我们同长了一岁。 饱蘸新世纪第一缕曙色,让我们大笔书写这样的颂辞: 祝您长寿,地球母亲! 祝
虽然目前儿童总体新型冠状病毒肺炎(corona virus disease 2019,COVID-19)感染率较低,病情相对轻微,罕见重症病例,病死率显著低于成人,但部分COVID-19可能诱发患儿细胞因子风
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糖尿病(diabetes mellitus)的发病人数持续增加,高达40%的糖尿病患者可出现肾脏损伤,即糖尿病肾病(diabeticnephropathy,DN).二肽基肽酶(dipeptidyl peptidase,DPP)4抑制剂作
2019新型冠状病毒病肺炎(corona virus disease 2019,COVID-19)大流行给全球公共卫生带来了前所未有的挑战,同样也使人们对健康,尤其是心理健康的重视关注明显提高,随之而来
Musashi (MSI)是一个在进化上十分保守的RNA结合蛋白,MSI最初与造血干细胞等多种干细胞的维持控制相关.近年来研究显示,MSI在多种癌症中发挥癌蛋白作用,包括白血病(leukemia)
  The Lower East Old Tombs(東下塚) of Neungsan-Ri Old Tombs in Buyeo is wall painting tomb in Baeckje and was under progress of weathering according to change
  This study was to identify the material characteristics and provenance of the crucibles, potteries and roof tiles from the Wonsinheungdong site in Daejeon,
新型冠状病毒(severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus,SARS-CoV)-2感染在全球暴发,目前尚无明确有效的抗病毒药物治疗SARS-CoV-2感染.结合以往临床一线治疗新型冠