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黄昏,太阳的颜色打起了包裹,街上有人开始收摊也有人开始摆摊,更多的是准备夜宵摊。母亲围着灶台,香喷喷的晚餐从她粗糙的手指缝里飘出;父亲拿着选台器在看每日5:30分的“健康”频道。这个时候我就是闲人一个。这个时候,我常常坐在窗口,但不是望街上匆忙的行人和穿梭的车辆,而是窗外有一只老相识的蜘蛛。它是一个很准时的家伙。每当太阳落山时它就不知从墙的哪条缝隙里爬出。只见它稍稍踩一下点,就以飞机俯冲的速度从墙的一侧倏地滑向一个支点,身后就留下一条白线,接着又以同样的速度从一个支点返回滑向墙,这样来回着几趟,墙与支点之间就架起了一座白色的桥。架好了桥它就不再来回地拉直线,它爬到桥的中心,只见它灵 Twilight, the color of the sun played the package, some people started to close the street stalls were also set up stalls, more is the preparation of the midnight snack. Mother around the hearth, savory dinner dripping from her rough fingers; father holding a tuner at 5:30 every day to see the “Health ” channel. This time I am a idler. At this time, I used to sit at the window, but not on the hurried pedestrians and shuttle vehicles in the street, but there was an old acquaintance spider out the window. It is a very punctual guy. Whenever the sun goes down, it does not know which corner of the wall to climb out. I saw it a little step on the plane to dive speed from the side of the wall suddenly slide to a fulcrum behind him leaving a white line, then at the same speed from a fulcrum back sliding wall, so back and forth A few times, a white bridge erected between the wall and the fulcrum. It does not bridge it back and forth to pull the straight line, it climbed to the center of the bridge, I saw it spiritual
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河南省许昌县蒋李集镇茅坡河村的王建光在2000年1月因抢劫罪被法院判处有期徒刑十五年,出狱后他曾下定决心改过自新,自食其力过日子,但做生意失败后的他又动起了歪脑筋。经过反复思考后,他以租房为幌子,专门联系房主为女性的出租人,趁女房主领其看房之机对其进行控制,勒索钱财,并先后于2010年8月和9月实施绑架犯罪两次,并致1人死亡。一时间闹得郑州市出租房屋市场人心惶惶。  2011年11月9日,许昌市中
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