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中央国家机关第二届职工运动会由中央国 家机关工委和国家体育总局联合主办,由中央 国家机关工会联合会、国家体育总局直属机关 党委等单位承办,是响应党中央创建社会主义 和谐社会的号召,以“全民健身、共创美好未 来”为主题的、定位于中央国家机关各部委公 务员的一次全民健身大聚会。运动会将于9月 25日在北京开幕,将是继1992年中央国家 机关首届职工运动会以来中央国家机关广大干 部职工的又一次盛会,中央国家机关各部门对 此非常重视,在全部93个部门中有92个部 门组队参赛,报名参赛人数为9700余人, 各部门的主要领导亲自担任代表团团长,李肇 星、杨元元、项怀诚等33名部级领导将作为 运动员,分别参加乒乓球、羽毛球、桥牌等项 目比赛。 The 2nd Workers’ Games of the Central Government Organized by the Work Committee of the Central Government and the General Administration of Sport of the People’s Republic of China are jointly organized by the Central State Organs Federation of Trade Unions and the Party Committees under the State Council directly under the General Administration of Sport of the People’s Republic of China, in response to the CPC Central Committee’s call for the establishment of a harmonious socialist society , With the theme of “Nationwide Fitness for a Better Future” and a national fitness center located in the civil servants of the ministries and commissions of the central state organs. The Games, to be held in Beijing on September 25, will be another grand gathering of cadres and workers of the central state organs since the first state-run workers’ congresses in 1992. Central departments of the state attach great importance to this. In all 93 departments 92 departments competed in teams and enrolled more than 9,700 participants. The major leaders of various departments personally served as head of the delegation. 33 ministerial leaders including Li Zhaoxing, Yang Yuanyuan and Xiang Huaicheng, as athletes, took part in table tennis and badminton , Bridge and other project competitions.
介绍了汽车噪声模拟的原理及噪声模拟系统的设计,并通过试验验证了该模拟方法和模拟系统的可行性。 The principle of vehicle noise simulation and the design of noise si
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不管按自然制还是按鳏居制让雌鸽参赛,这 都并不重要,关键是必须让雌鸽比赛。作者强烈 建议每位鸽友尝试赛雌鸽。这样,你不仅能摘取 一些不错的奖赏,还可以改善品系质量,并逐
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在推导了曲纹面蜗杆齿面方程的基础上,提出了曲纹面蜗杆拟准圆柱的新概念,研究了拟准圆柱的横截面半径随加工工艺参数的变化规律,并且通过实验得到了验证。 Based on the deriv