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上海电机(集团)公司把企业文化建设作为推动企业发展的基础性工作,取得实效。上海电机(集团)公司,创建于1956年,是中国第一家电机专业化工业公司,也是国内最大的中小型电机生产基地,目前是国家大型一档企业,进出口自营企业。近年来,上海电机(集团)公司认真贯彻党的基本路线,在大力发展社会主义市场经济的条件下,把企业文化建设作为“两手抓、两手都要硬”的重要措施;作为培育集团精神,强化集团意识的激励手段;作为建立现代企业制度,与国际接轨的有效途径;作为塑造形象,增强企业竞争力的无形资产;作为培养人才,提高职工队伍素质的重要渠道。该公司从企业文化的表层建设抓起,以群众性的文体活动为突破口,组织开展了“中一杯”电机职工歌咏比赛;“南洋杯”电机职工体育比赛;“人民杯”电机职工文艺汇演;弘扬集团精神巡回演讲等系列活动,并投入企业文化硬件建设资金960万元,掀起了企业文化建设的热潮,有力地推动了 Shanghai Electric (Group) Company regards the construction of corporate culture as a basic work to promote the development of the enterprise and has achieved substantial results. Shanghai Electric (Group) Corporation, founded in 1956, is China’s first motor specialized industrial company, and is also the largest domestic small and medium-sized motor production base. It is currently a national large-scale first-class enterprise, import-export self-employed enterprise. In recent years, Shanghai Electric (Group) Company has conscientiously implemented the Party’s basic line, and under the conditions of vigorously developing the socialist market economy, it has taken the corporate culture construction as an important measure of “doing both things and keeping both hands tight”; as a nurturing group Spirit, strengthen incentives for group awareness; as an effective way to establish a modern enterprise system and international standards; as an intangible asset to shape the image and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises; as an important channel to cultivate talents and improve the quality of employees. The company started from the surface culture of corporate culture and took mass sports activities as a breakthrough, organized and organized a “one cup” of “motor worker singing contest”, “Nanyang Cup” motor worker sports competition, and “People’s Cup”. "The motor and staff cultural performances; the promotion of the Group’s spiritual tour speeches and other series of activities, and invested 9.6 million yuan in the construction of corporate culture hardware, set off an upsurge of corporate culture construction, and effectively promoted the
麦特蒙公司(MATMI)经营部主要经营各类特殊温度传感器、温度仪表零部件、温度仪表原材料、电工电子原器件、热电偶、热电阻工装. MATMI operates a variety of special temp