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我叫伍先勇,今年86岁。我媳妇叫高紫嫣,也86岁。我媳妇是小戴的媳妇。小戴是我战友。我三岁丧父,十岁丧母,一字不识,是吃百家饭长大的。我长大的时候,农会主席要我去当兵,说当兵可以吃粮,填饱肚子,再说你无父无母,无牵无挂,当兵了你就四海为家,以部队为家了。坐船来到区公所,区公所的干部见我是孤儿,说我根正苗红,身板壮实,是块当兵的料。这是我有生以来第一次受表扬,那一刻,我感觉我是一个有用的人。我在区公所穿上了军装,吃上了 My name is Wu Xiangyong, I am 86 years old this year. My daughter-in-law called Gao Ziyan, also 86 years old. My wife is a small daughter-in-law. Xiao Dai is my comrade in arms. When I was three years old, I lost my father and mother died ten years old. When I was growing up, the president of the peasant association asked me to be a soldier, saying that soldiers could eat food and fill their stomachs, and that you had no father or mother or no guilty conscience. It’s Arrived by boat to the district office, the cadres of the district office saw me as orphans, said that my root is Miao Hong, strong body, is a piece of military supplies. This is the first time I’ve been praised in my life that moment, I feel I am a useful person. I put on a uniform in the district office and ate it
A novel bi-functional photorefractive acrylate polymer with pendant carbazolyl groups and azo derivatives as side chains was synthesized. Photorefractive experi
1.齿轮油(1)硫-磷型中极压工业齿轮油近似于美国齿轮制造厂协会 AGMA250—03Mild EP齿轮油规格,牌号为 N220、N320、N460等三种粘度类型,其中 N220也近似手 Mobil Gear630规
OBJECTIVE:To identify global research trends in the application of MRI for monitoring stem cell transplantation using a bibliometric analysis of Web of Science.
埃克森美孚化工近期宣布,其自主开发的丁基橡胶工艺新技术取得了突破性进展,并在其法国Notre Dame de Gravenchon(以下简称“NDG”)工厂实现了商业化生产。这一新技术使埃克
Separation of basic proteins was performed using a homemade tield-modulated capillaryelectrophoresis system. The resolution. elution and even wall adsorption ca