加强国土资源管理 促进县域经济发展

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嫩江县位于黑龙江省西北部,土地资源居全省第三位,矿产资源居全省西北部之首,素有“矿产摇篮”美誉。目前已发现矿产49种,可利用矿产19种,其中多宝山铜矿居全国第三位。年矿业总产值1.33元,占全县总收入的33%。几年来,嫩江县国土资源局在省国土资源厅、市国土资源局和县委、县政府的领导下,以全县国土资源的规划、管理、保护与开发利用为己任,全面推进土地资源管理、矿产资源管理和地质环境治理“三大主业”,为全县经济快速发展构筑了资源保障平台。一、狠抓队伍建设,确保国土资源各项事业稳步发展。我们坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,从维护人民群众根本利益出发,以建一流班子、带一流队伍、创一流业绩、树立一流形象为目标。一是讲团结,形成班子 Nenjiang County is located in the northwest of Heilongjiang Province, ranking third in the province for its land resources. Its mineral resources rank first in the northwestern part of the province and is known as the “cradle of mineral resources.” 49 kinds of minerals have been found, available 19 kinds of minerals, including the Duobaoshan copper mine ranks third in the country. Annual mining output value 1.33 yuan, accounting for 33% of the county’s total revenue. In recent years, under the leadership of the provincial Land and Resources Bureau, the Municipal Land Resources Bureau, the county government and the county government, Nengjiang Bureau of Land and Resources has taken the planning, management, protection and development and utilization of land resources throughout the county as its own responsibility to comprehensively promote the management of land resources, Mineral resources management and geological environment governance “three major industries” for the rapid economic development of the county to build a resource guarantee platform. First, pay close attention to team building to ensure the stable development of all undertakings in land and resources. Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents, we aim at safeguarding the fundamental interests of the people, establishing a first-class team, bringing in first-rate teams, creating first-rate performance and establishing a first-class image. One is about unity and the formation of a team
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投资240万英磅的霍里奇铸造工厂现代化过程分为四个阶段,时间为1974年11月到1978年9月。本文介绍该厂的设备及其投产应用情况。 The 2.4 million pound Horwich foundry mod