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北大荒,天苍苍,地茫茫,一片衰草和苇塘。苇草青,苇草黄,生者死,死者烂,肥土壤,为下代,作食粮。何物空中飞,蚊虫苍蝇,蠛蠓牛虻;何物水中爬,小脚蛇,哈什蚂,肉蚂蝗。山中霸主熊和虎,原上英雄豺与狼。烂草污泥真乐土,毒虫猛兽美家乡。谁来酣睡以榻旁,须见一日之短长。大烟炮,谁敢当!天低昂,雪飞扬,风颠狂。无昼夜,迷八方。雉不能飞,狍不能走,熊不出洞,野无虎狼。酣战玉龙披甲苦,图南鹏鸟振翼忙。天地末日情何异,冰河时代味再尝,一年四季冬最长。遨游牧民携篷帐,逐水草,牧牛羊,不来北大荒,农业居民治田庄,拓土地,种食粮,不择北大荒;部落酋长逞豪强,驰战马,动刀枪,不在北大荒。何以故,史无文,记其详。千年万年人不到,但有雁字书成行,年年来,自南方。不能牧牛羊,不能治田庄,不能比刀枪,古往今来留死角,白山黑水观脓疮。偶为暴客捕逃薮,间作逸民生死场,不有天神下界,匠星临凡,天精地力,鬼斧神工,何能稍改其面庞。共产党,日东方。经万战,获全胜,人民把家当,向龙王要水,向地藏要矿,向土地要粮。工农业,同时举,吐光芒。旧中国,原地上,建立社会主义新家邦,开辟北大荒;优秀儿女齐响应,懦夫懒汉尽惊慌。苇草蛇虫须迁让,寒风积雪莫再狂。千年往史无此日,万里长征再荣光。北大荒,红旗扬,好风光,生产大军上战场。赤手空拳,空奉张,裸头顶,露脊梁。真兄弟,好儿郎。草盖屋,苇作墙,苇折薪,草照亮,草铺褥,苇垫床。今日草为人用人作主,昨日地被草占草为王。修水库,建水网,平水塘,除虫 Great Northern Wilderness, the sky is dark, to the vast expanse of weeds and reed pond. Reed green, reed yellow, the living dead, dead rotten, fat soil, for the next generation, for food. What flying in the air, mosquitoes flies, 蠛 蠓 虻 虻; what kind of water to climb, feet snake, Hashi ant, meat leech locust. Mountain dominant bear and tiger, the original hero 豺 and wolves. Rotten grass mud really happy soil, poison beast beast beauty hometown. Who sleeps to the couch, to see the short one day long. Big firecrackers, who dare! Low days, snow flying, the wind mad. No day and night, fans P Plus. Pheasant can not fly, I can not go, the bear does not hole, wild tiger wolf. Pitiful Yulong Phi bitter, map Peng Peng bird fluttering busy. What is the end of the world heaven and earth, the taste of the ice age taste, the longest year in all seasons. Travel pastoral people carrying tent account, water plants, sheep and cattle, not to the Great Northern Wilderness, agricultural residents governance Tianzhuang, extension of land, planting food, not to choose the Northern Great Wilderness; tribal chieftain despotic tyranny, galloping horses, moving knife and gun, not in the Great Northern Wilderness. Why so, no history, remember its details. Thousands of years less than people, but there are wild goose word book line, year after year, from the south. Can not shepherd sheep, can not cure Tian Zhuang, can not be better than knife and spear, since ancient times to stay dead angle, white mountain black water view abscess. Even for the tyrant to escape fights, intercropping livelihood of the people, there is no God under the bounds, merlin star, where the best, earthshaking, how can we slightly change its face. Communist Party, Japan and the East. After the war, won the victory, the people of the family, to the Dragon King of water, to Tibet to mine, to the land for grain. Industry and agriculture, at the same time, spit light. Old China, on the ground, the establishment of a new socialist home state, opening up the Great Northern Wilderness; outstanding children Qi response, cowardly lazy to panic. Reticulated snake beetle to be relocated, Mozambique snow no longer mad. The Millennium has never seen the day before, and the Long March leaps its glory again. Great Northern Wilderness, Hongyang Yang, good scenery, the production of the army on the battlefield. Open hands, empty Bong, naked head, exposed ridge. True brother, good son Lang. Grass cover house, reed wall, reed salary, grass lit, grass bedding, reed bed. Grass used today as a man, yesterday was dominated by grass for the king. Repair reservoir, build water network, flat reservoirs, pest control
三十四载,弹指挥间。月芽湾后,谷脉岭前,校园叠翠,学子如云。菊去梅来,朝夕相伴,谈古议今。流金岁月,往事如烟,唯寒窗似眼前: 若夫东方熹微,校楼巍巍。哨声阵阵,早操步整声
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