立足整体搞活 推进工业兴市进程

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经济总量不足、运行质量不高是蛟河市一个时期比较突出的矛盾。为破解这一矛盾,我们按照省县域突破、富民强县的总体要求,重审市情,从1999年初全面实施工业兴市战略,经过一年的运作,实现了速度和效益的同步增长。今年年初以来,为保持和发展工业兴市的好势头,全面完成工业兴市第一阶段调整恢复期的任务,按照“整体搞活,扶优扶强,形成体系,走向振兴”的发展思路,结合实际,制定并实施“765817”攻坚计划,即启动7户较大的停产企业,扶强6户税收超百万的“小巨人”企业,突出发展5大主导产业,抓好8个重点项目,搞活17户年销售收入500万元以上的规模企业,上缴税金1650万元。为实现这一目标,我们从以下四个方面入手,做活工业经济这篇文章。 The lack of economic aggregates and low operating quality are some of the more prominent contradictions in Luohe City. In order to resolve this contradiction, we reexamined the situation in accordance with the overall requirements of the provincial and county-level breakthroughs and enriched people and strong counties. Since the beginning of 1999, we have fully implemented the strategy of industrial rejuvenation, and after one year of operation, we have achieved simultaneous growth in speed and efficiency. Since the beginning of this year, in order to maintain and develop the good momentum of industrial revitalization and complete the task of adjusting the recovery period in the first stage of industrial revitalization, the development strategy of “invigorate the whole, support the superiority, form a system, and move toward revitalization” has been completed. , Combine the actual situation, formulate and implement the “765817′′ tough strategy plan, that is, start 7 large discontinued companies, strengthen 6 “small giants” enterprises with tax revenue exceeding 1 million, and highlight the development of 5 leading industries. With 8 key projects, 17 large-scale enterprises with an annual sales income of over 5 million yuan will be invigorated, and the tax will be paid 16.5 million yuan. In order to achieve this goal, we start from the following four aspects and do the article on industrial economy.
各地区行政公署,自治州、市人民政府,省直机关各单位:为推动我省纺织工业深化改革、调整结构、解困扭亏工作,使纺织行业实现改革与脱 Regional administrative bureaus, au
西宁市、各自治州人民政府,海东行署,省政府各委、办、厅、局: 《青海省建设厅职能配置、内设机构和人员编制规定》,已经省人民政府批准,现予印发。 Xining City, People’
西宁市、各自治州人民政府,海东行署,省政府各委、办、厅、局: 省经贸委、省工商局、省国税局、省技术监督局《关于进一步规范全省成品油流通秩序的意见》已经省政府研究同
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