肺癌肉瘤是极为罕见的肺部恶性混合瘤。世界卫生组织《肿瘤国际组织学分类》(1967)将其分为胚胎型癌肉瘤和其它癌肉瘤两大类。我院1981年收治一例,报告如下:病历摘要患者,女姓,26岁,农民,住院号4341。于1981年5月25日住院。因咳白色泡沫痰,偶见血丝3个月,伴周身不适。外院 X 线检查发现右下肺野圆形阴影。抗痨治疗20天,自觉症状好转。但肺内阴影无变化。查体:体温37℃,脉搏84次,呼吸20次,血压
Lung cancer sarcoma is an extremely rare mixed malignant tumor of the lung. The World Health Organization’s “International Classification of Tumors on the Histology” (1967) classifies them into embryonic carcinosarcomas and other carcinosarcomas. In 1981, our hospital received one case and the report was as follows: medical record summary of the patient, female surname, 26 years old, farmer, hospital number 4341. Hospitalized on May 25, 1981. Due to white foam cough, occasionally bloodshot 3 months, with whole body discomfort. An X-ray examination of the outer hospital revealed a round shadow of the right lower lung field. After 20 days of anti-spasmodic treatment, symptoms improved. However, there is no change in the shadow of the lungs. Physical examination: body temperature 37°C, pulse 84, breathing 20 times, blood pressure