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现在对历史资料确有望洋兴叹之感,资料太多太散太乱,搜集、整理和考证资料,实在是一件十分重大迫切的事情。我们必须特别重视资料工作,才能动员大批人力投入这个工作里去。有人认为做资料工作是为他人作嫁衣裳,也有人认为做资料工作,比做研究工作低一头。这样想法是不对的。资料工作与研究工作并没有高低,也没有人说过不让资料工作者写研究论文。翦老就做了不少的资料搜集整理工作,他发起编辑《中国近代史资料丛刊》,他还编辑了《戊戌变法》和《义和团》史料,他又和几位先生编辑《世界大事年表》。有谁能说翦老因为做了资料工作,应该比别人低一头 Now that there is indeed a sense of despair over historical data, too much information is too scattered and chaotic, it is really a very pressing matter to collect, sort out and verify information. We must pay special attention to data work in order to mobilize large numbers of people to invest in this work. Some people think that doing data work is to dress someone else’s clothes. Others think that doing data work is lower than doing research work. This idea is wrong. Data work and research work are not high or low, and no one has said that data workers are not allowed to write research papers. He had done a lot of data collection and editing work. He initiated and edited the “Chinese Modern History Information Series.” He also edited the historical materials of the Reform Movement of 1898 and the Yihetuan. He also edited the chronology of the world events with several gentlemen. 》 Who can say that the old man should be lower than others because he has done data work?
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最近参加市数学教研室组织的几次活动,听了几节示范课,现简要记述如下:课例1七年级(上)“合并同类项”第二课时.教师首先给出几组单项式,分析它们的特点,得到 Recently, I p
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