Contrast-enhanced CT of Pulmonary Embolism: Report of 20 cases

来源 :South China Journal of Cardiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kinganguo
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Objectives To study the characteristic of pulmonary embolism (PE) in contrast-enhanced CT. Methods The radiological features were described in 20 patients with lobar and proximal PE diagnosed with a Toshiba Xpress/SX CT scanner after contrast material was administrated.Results There were 7 cases of pulmonary embolism (PE) secondary to lower limb deep vein thrombosis (DVT), of which 2 cases were related to sauna bath. We grouped the cases according to their extensiveness of embolism: mild, moderate, severe, or complete embolism. Mild embolism: the emboli occupied less than 30%, of the inner diameter of pulmonary artery (PA). Median embolism: the emboli occupied 30~50% of the PA diameter. Severe embolism: the emboli occupied over half of the PA (50%), but there were contrast flow. Completed embolism: there was no contrast found around the emboli. The direct sign of PE was a filling defect or no opacification in the affected branch of pulmonary artery (PA). There were 9 other secondary signs: ①widen PA, ②enlarged right ventricle and the right atrium, ③increased translucency of the lung and decreased bronchovascular shadows,④shrunken pulmonary veins liked dried rattan,⑤decreased left atrium and the left ventricle size, ⑥shifting of interventricular septum to the left and posterior direction,⑦The lateral lung parenchyma demonstrated in a triangular shape, ⑧pleural effusion and ⑨pericardiacle effusion. Conclusions The diagnosis of PE was revealed by 10 radiological signs by contrast-enhanced CT:With full understanding of the pathophysiological basis of these 10 signs:correct diagnosis of pulmonary embolism can be made.PE is commonly caused by lower limb. And sauna bath is one of the main predisposing causes. Objectives To study the characteristic of pulmonary embolism (PE) in contrast-enhanced CT. Methods The radiological features were described in 20 patients with lobar and proximal PE diagnosed with a Toshiba Xpress / SX CT scanner after contrast material was administered. Results There were 7 Cases of pulmonary embolism (PE) secondary to lower limb deep vein thrombosis (DVT), of which 2 cases were related to sauna bath. We grouped the cases under their extensiveness of embolism: mild, moderate, severe, or complete embolism. Mild Median embolism: the emboli occupied 30 to 50% of the PA diameter. Severe embolism: the emboli occupied over half of the PA (50% There was no contrast found around the emboli. The direct sign of PE was a filling defect or no opacification in the affected branch of pulmonary artery (PA). There were 9 other secondary si gns: ①widen PA, ②enlarged right ventricle and the right atrium, ③increased translucency of the lung and decreased bronchovascular shadows, ④shrunken pulmonary veinsoverted dried rattan, ⑤decreased left atrium and the left ventricle size, ⑥shifting of interventricular septum to the left and posterior direction, ⑦ The lateral lung parenchyma demonstrated in a triangular shape, ⑧ pleural effusion and ⑨ pericardiacle effusion. Conclusions The diagnosis of PE was revealed by 10 radiological signs by contrast-enhanced CT: With full understanding of the pathophysiological basis of these 10 signs: correct diagnosis of pulmonary embolism can be made.PE is more caused by lower limb. And sauna bath is one of the main predisposing causes.
知识梳理1.化学反应速率:重点掌握反应速率单位,单位就是计算公式。2.外界条件:浓度、温度、压强、催化剂等对化学反应速率的影响(还有隐含条件如原电池、固体表 Knowledge
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