
来源 :古建园林技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:windtree
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天主教堂建筑是传入中国的重要西方建筑类型之一,19世纪后伴随着西方列强的入侵开始大量建造。建造地区不仅包括交通便捷、开放程度高的沿海城市,也逐渐深入到中国的内陆城市。而中国的大部分内陆城市的城市结构都较为封闭、传统文化底蕴深厚,西方外来建筑的建造困难重重。本文以鲁中地区为例,通过具体案例探讨天主教堂建筑是如何在中国内陆城市建造的、地方建造技术、传统文化又是如何影响其建造的,总结不同历史时期的本土化特征。以期为中国天主教堂建筑提供一些基础性资料,并以小见大,展现外来宗教建筑在中国内陆城市的建造历程及建造中的各种影响因素。 The Catholic Church building is one of the important types of Western architecture introduced to China. After the 19th century, a large number of constructions began with the invasion of Western powers. The construction area includes not only coastal cities with convenient transportation and high degree of openness, but also gradually deeper into China’s inland cities. Most of the inland cities in China have relatively closed urban structures and deep traditional cultural heritage. The construction of foreign buildings in the West is difficult. This article takes the Luzhong area as an example to discuss how the Catholic church construction was built in Chinese inland cities, how local construction techniques and traditional culture influenced its construction through specific cases, and summarizes the characteristics of localization in different historical periods. In order to provide some basic information for the Chinese Catholic Church building, and to be small, to show the construction history of foreign religious buildings in China’s inland cities and various influencing factors in the construction.
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