
来源 :吉林教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:talentcheng
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我在平时的教学中,注意采用鼓励教学的方法和注意激发学生的学习热情,用欣赏的眼光去审视学生的每一幅习作,注重同学们的学习兴趣和参与意识,力求达到师生在教学活动中的协调统一,以取得最佳的教学效果。下面谈谈我在实施鼓励教学方法过程中的几点体会。一、鼓励个性,培养审美意识鼓励审美个性,即是鼓励学生不仅仅能学会欣赏艺术品,而且能作出自己的审美判断。美学家曾经说过:“有一千个读者,就有一千个哈姆雷特。”对同一审美对象,不同的学生,不同 In normal teaching, I pay attention to encouraging teaching methods and attention to stimulate students’ enthusiasm for learning, with the appreciation of the eyes to examine each of the students’ work, pay attention to their students’ interest in learning and participation, and strive to achieve the teachers and students in teaching Coordination of activities in order to achieve the best teaching results. Here to talk about my experience in implementing the method of encouraging teaching experience. First, to encourage individuality and cultivate aesthetic awareness Encourage aesthetic personality, that is, to encourage students not only to learn to appreciate works of art, but also to make their own aesthetic judgments. The aesthete once said: “There are a thousand readers, there are a thousand Hamlet.” "For the same aesthetic object, different students, different
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今天进行的是帆板冠军的角逐,信心满满的选手们乘风破浪,你追我赶,真是热闹啊!你看见它们了吗? Today is the windsurfing championship race, confident athletes wind and