
来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ak328
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根据春小麦榆中红与甘肃96号茎生长锥分化及其与水分和营养器官发育关系的观察可以作出下列几点结论:1.两个品种生长锥分化阶段的形态特征与一般小麦相同,其分化的第四阶段是生长锥生殖时期的开始。2.小穗分化顺序是:外颖、内颖、第一花外稃、第一花原基、第二花外稃、第二花原基……余者同此类推。花分化顺序是:内稃、花药和雌蕊、浆片。3.雌雄蕊原基分化与芒的出现同时开始。4.96号生长锥分化速度比榆中红快;小穗数与花数较多;结实率与产量也比榆中红高。5.灌水对两个品种生长锥分化起着延缓作用,但对小穗数、花数、粒数及籽粒总产量却有促进作用。灌溉条件下,榆中红产量虽低,但对土壤水分具有较强的敏感性。6.观察表明,96号具有一定的抗旱性。7.在正常条件下和同一品种内,叶片与茎节的出现以及植株的生育时期在一定程度上可以作为鉴定生长锥分化阶段的指标。经大田检验后有可能应用于生产实践。 Based on the observation of the relationship between spring cone growth of Yuzhonghong and Gansu No.96 and its relationship with the development of water and vegetative organs, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. The morphological characteristics of the growth cone differentiation stages of the two cultivars are the same as those of common wheat, The fourth stage is the beginning of the growth cone reproductive period. 2. Spikelet differentiation order is: foreign Ying, Ying, the first flower nepheline, the first flower base, the second flower nectar, the second flower base ... ... the rest of the same. The order of flower differentiation is: Nephelium, anther and pistil, pulp. 3. Pistillate primordial differentiation and appearance of Mount at the same time. The growth cone of No. 4.96 grew faster than Yuzhonghong; the number of spikelets and flowers was more; the seed setting rate and yield were also higher than that of Yuzhong. Irrigation played a retardation role on the growth cone differentiation of two cultivars, but had a promoting effect on the number of spikelets, the number of flowers, the number of grains and the total grain yield. Irrigation conditions, Yuzhong red yield is low, but the soil moisture has a strong sensitivity. 6. Observation shows that 96 has some drought resistance. 7. Under normal conditions and in the same variety, the emergence of leaves and stems and the growth period of the plants can be used as indexes to identify the differentiation stage of growth cone to a certain extent. After the field test may be applied to production practices.