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支座螺栓是桥梁支座结构的要害部位,同时也是薄弱环节。我段管内8至16米的普通钢筋混凝土架支座大多采用铸钢弧形支座,近几年来,随着运量的不断增加,速度增快,行车密度加大,对设备的破坏日越剧增。而支座螺栓折断最为突出。直接影响到设备的可靠度和行车安全。为此本文从我段近几年发生的支座病害倩况调查表入手,对引起支座螺栓折断的原因逐一分析,找出有效的整治办法,延长了维修周期,取得了较好的安全及经济效益。 Bearing bolt is the key part of the bridge bearing structure, but also the weak link. Most of the ordinary reinforced concrete frame supports with 8-16 meters in the segment pipe are made of steel arc support. In recent years, as the volume of traffic increases, the speed increases, the traffic density increases, and the destruction of equipment on the Japan-Japan increase. The bearing bolts break the most prominent. Directly affect the reliability of the equipment and traffic safety. Therefore, this article starts with the survey questionnaire of bearing diseases which occurred in recent years, and analyzes the causes of bearing bolt breakage one by one to find out the effective remedial measures, prolong the maintenance cycle and achieve better safety and Economic benefits.
近几年支线集装箱货运生意逐年增加,反映了远洋承运人不断减少挂靠港口的真实一面。集装箱船愈大,则所靠泊的港口愈少,其 In recent years, the freight forwarding busine
在江总书记出席的《大转折》首映式上,我眼含热泪第一次看完影片的全片。作为片中刘伯承司令员的扮演者,我想谈三个“感”:感谢、感动和感慨。 先谈感谢。我要感谢八一厂王
問:一、3.8%枸橼酸鈉与血液混合時需要量的比例是多少? 二、血沉与溫度的關係如何? 三、我們用過的方法是用3.8%枸橼酸鈉0.4毫升,靜脈取血1.6毫升,混合成2毫升,觀察1小時后報