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栎褐天社蛾,是湖北栎树主要的害虫,发生广、为害性大,据初步了解在本省凡是有栎树的地方都有发生。幼虫食害栎叶,严重时能将全叶吃光,使树枯死。1959年对该虫进行了白殭菌防治的研究。现将试验的初步结果介绍如下: 一、栎褐天社蛾白殭菌的防治试验的过程及结果 1.菌种的采集分离培养和菌液的配制我们从武汉市附近马尾松林中,采集一些被白殭菌寄生致死的松毛虫,刮除体表上的分生孢子,在室内 Quercus brown moths, is the main pest of oak trees in Hubei, occurred widely, harmful, according to preliminary understanding of the province where there are oak trees have occurred. Larvae eat oak leaves, severe all-eaten, make the tree dead. In 1959 Beauveria bassiana was studied. Now the preliminary results of the experiment are described below: First, the process and results of the prevention and control test of Beauveria bassiana in Quercus mongholicus 1. Isolation, culture and bacterial liquid preparation of the strains We collected some from the Pinus massoniana forest near Wuhan Beauveria bassiana parasitic lethal caterpillar, curettage of conidia on the body surface, indoors
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金针虫主要为害麦类、玉米、高梁、谷子、甘薯、马铃薯、棉花、豆类、麻类等作物刚发芽的种子,咬断出土的幼苗,当幼苗长大后,便钻到茎内取食,主根不完全被咬 The main purp
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