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成都与丝绸之路有着非常直接的联系,古代成都是北方丝绸之路、南方丝绸之路和长江经济带三大交通走廊和经济带的交汇点。汉武帝时期,北方丝绸之路开通,成都成为北方丝绸之路主要商品“丝绸”的重要供给地,特别是丝绸之路的高端产品“蜀锦”是成都所特产,丝绸之路沿线重要考古遗址发现有一定数量的蜀锦就是有力证明。南北朝时期,当丝绸之路河西走廊交通因战乱而受阻,从长安出发的北方丝绸之路中断之时,以成都为起点,经川西北草原,进入陇南、青海,然后转入西域的“丝绸之路河南道”成为新的丝绸之路,使中国内地与西北各政权及亚欧各国的贸易一直未曾中断。以成都为起点的南方丝绸之路早在秦汉以前就已经开通,并延续了2000多年的发展,成为中国内地与今云南和缅甸及东南亚等地进行经济、文化交流的重要通道。成都作为长江上游的政治、经济、文化中心,在先秦时期就与长江中下游地区保持非常密切的经济、文化关系,并通过长江各重要节点城市与海上丝绸之路发生了联系。成都在南北朝以后,还成为中外文化交流的中心,特别是佛教文化在中国内地的传播中心之一! Chengdu has a very direct connection with the Silk Road. In ancient times, Chengdu was the meeting point of the three major transport corridors and economic belts of the North Silk Road, the South Silk Road and the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Han Emperor Wudi period, the opening of the northern Silk Road, Chengdu became the main supply of North Silk Road “Silk ”, especially the high-end products of the Silk Road “Shu Jin ” is a specialty of Chengdu, along the Silk Road Important archaeological sites found a certain number of Brocade is a strong proof. During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, when the traffic of the Hexi Corridor of the Silk Road was hampered by the war and the northern Silk Road from Changan was interrupted, starting from Chengdu and entering the Longnan and Qinghai grasslands by the northwestern Sichuan plain and then into the Western Silk, The Road to Henan Province "became the new Silk Road and the trade between mainland China and all the Northwest regimes and other Asian and European countries has not been interrupted. The Silk Road in the South, starting from Chengdu, was opened as early as the Qin and Han dynasties and lasted for more than 2,000 years and has become an important channel for economic and cultural exchanges between China and other places in Yunnan, Myanmar and Southeast Asia. Chengdu, as the political, economic and cultural center of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, maintained a very close economic and cultural relationship with the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River during the Pre-Qin period. Through the cities of major nodes in the Yangtze River, Chengdu contacted the Silk Road on the Sea. After the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Chengdu became one of the centers of Chinese and foreign cultural exchange, especially one of the centers of spread of Buddhist culture in mainland China.
<正> 我国历代音韵学上傅统应用的“三十六字母”,是唐、宋两代音韵学家制订和增补而成的。这套字母有的人叫它“守温字母”,因为这是唐朝末年守温和尚创制的。这套字母当初
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