
来源 :航空标准化与质量 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangjj167
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主要对防错设计在航空型号研制生产中的实现方式进行了探索性的研究。简要介绍了航空型号的特征,强调在航空零部件的研制和生产过程中实施防错设计的必要性,详细剖析了防错设计在航空型号研制生产中的两种实现方式,即合理安装设计与自动检测设计,并结合我国航空型号生产中的实际案例,分情况讨论了这两种实现方式。 Mainly on the error-proof design in the development and production of aviation models to conduct exploratory research. This paper briefly introduces the characteristics of aviation models, emphasizes the necessity of implementing error-proof design in the development and production of aviation components, and analyzes in detail two ways of implementing error-proof design in the development and production of aviation models, that is, Automatic detection design, combined with the actual case of China’s aviation model production, discuss the situation of these two ways.
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介绍了产品责任和产品质量责任的概念,对我国有关产品责任的立法与发达国家进行了比较,并说明了我国质量责任立法存在的问题。 Introduced the concept of product liabilit
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