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自从爆炸焊首次商品化以来,已经过去二十多年了。直到现在就其加工机理及其形成的焊缝的特征而言,人们仍然认为它是极独特的金属连接方法之一。众所周知,爆炸焊能直接把多种多样的相同金属和不同金属连接成一体,而这种组合体的连接是用任何其它的焊接方法和压接方法都不能实现的。进而,由于这种方法能够以经济的方式把从炸药获得的高能量分配在焊接区域内,因而能够进行大面积连接。反之也能使能量予以集中以在小面积上形成焊缝。尽管爆炸焊具有上述固有的优点,但迄今,这种焊接工艺就其真正的商品化潜力而雷,仅发挥了一小部分的作用。这主要是因为尚未为可能进行爆炸焊接产品设计的设计者和使用者提供所要求的性能和特性数据以及合适的制造及安装工艺程序因而也就不能成功地使用这种工艺而最充分地发挥其潜力。 It has been more than twenty years since explosive welding was first commercialized. Until now its processing mechanism and the characteristics of the weld formed by it were still considered one of the most unique metal joining methods. It is well-known that explosive welding can directly connect a wide variety of identical and dissimilar metals into one body, and the combination can not be achieved by any other welding and crimping methods. Furthermore, since this method is capable of distributing the high energy obtained from the explosive in the welding area in an economical manner, a large area connection can be made. Conversely, energy can be concentrated to form welds over a small area. Although explosive welding has these inherent advantages, so far, this welding process has so far played only a small part on its true commercial potential. This is mainly due to the fact that designers and users who have not yet designed the explosive welding product have not yet been able to use the process to their fullest advantage by providing the required performance and characterization data, as well as suitable manufacturing and installation process procedures, potential.
Part of fluid energy transfers to the cylinders, when the fluid flows away the cylinders, and creates the vibration of them. The vibration of cylinders caused b
用硫酸钠沉积法研究了四种镍基合金-Ni-16Cr,Ni-16Cr-2Nb,IN738和537合金-在900~1000℃之间的热腐蚀行为。用热天平测量了热腐蚀动力学曲线,用金相、SEM、电子探针、X 射线衍