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针对高精度光电伺服稳定平台系统中摩擦和各种非线性干扰对跟踪精度的影响问题,提出了一种基于LuGre摩擦模型的积分型滑模自适应控制算法。首先建立了基于动态LuGre摩擦的伺服系统模型,根据LuGre模型,构造了一个非线性观测器来估计摩擦中的未知状态变量;然后设计积分型滑模自适应控制算法实现摩擦补偿和各种扰动的估计,通过设计最优的反馈控制律,保证了积分型滑模的收敛速度,并引入自适应思想设计滑模控制器,有效的减弱了滑模控制中的颤抖现象;最后利用Lyapunov理论证明了控制系统的稳定性。仿真结果表明:所提方法有效的抑制了摩擦等各种干扰对稳定平台系统的影响,在提高系统跟踪精度的同时增强了系统的鲁棒性能,该方法也简化了设计过程,具有一定的应用价值。 Aiming at the problem of the influence of friction and various non-linear interferences on the tracking accuracy in high-precision electro-optical servo-stabilized platform system, an integral sliding mode adaptive control algorithm based on LuGre friction model is proposed. Firstly, a model of servo system based on dynamic LuGre friction is established. According to LuGre model, a nonlinear observer is constructed to estimate the unknown state variables in friction. Then an integral sliding mode adaptive control algorithm is designed to realize the friction compensation and various perturbations It is estimated that by designing the optimal feedback control law, the convergence speed of the integral sliding mode is guaranteed, and the adaptive sliding mode controller is introduced to effectively reduce the tremor in the sliding mode control. Finally, Lyapunov theory is used to prove that Control system stability. The simulation results show that the proposed method can effectively suppress the influence of various disturbances such as friction on the stability of the platform system, enhance the system tracking accuracy and enhance the robustness of the system. This method also simplifies the design process and has some applications value.
<正> 大量生产实践证明,对于一些铸铁件,特别是簿壁铸铁件和厚大球墨铸铁件,可以采用无冒口工艺。此工艺不仅能够确保铸件的内在质量,还能大大提高工艺出品率。 一、铸铁件无
目的 探讨延续性护理干预对慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者生活质量及预后的影响.方法 对2013年9月至2015年9月的100例慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者进行调查,随机分为对照组和试验组,每组50例