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本刊讯1月13日上午,公安部消防局在北京召开公安消防部队执勤岗位练兵“十佳训练尖兵”座谈会,对获得2006年度“十佳训练尖兵”的基层一线消防官兵进行了表彰。公安部消防局政委陈家强少将出席会议并为“十佳训练尖兵”颁发了证书和装有处置化学灾害事故辅助系统的笔记本电脑。为贯彻落实公安部党委“三基”工程建设的战略部署,进一步提高公安消防部队灭火救援业务水平和实战能力,公安部消防局于2006年年初决定利用三年时间持续不断地开展执勤岗位练兵活动。各级公安消防部队按照公安部消 On the morning of January 13, the Public Security Bureau Fire Department held a public security firefighting corps duty training in Beijing “top ten training vanguard” symposium, to obtain the 2006 “top ten training vanguard” grass-roots fire officers and soldiers Commended. Major General Chen Jiaqiang, Political Commissar of the Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security, will attend the conference and issue a certificate and a laptop equipped with an assistant system to handle chemical disasters for the top ten training pioneers. In order to implement the strategic deployment of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Public Security and the “Three Basics,” further improve the level of fire fighting and rescue operations and the actual combat capability of the public security and fire brigade, the Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security decided in 2006 at the beginning of 2006 to make continuous use of its duty positions Training activities. Public security fire fighting forces at all levels in accordance with the Ministry of Public Security
1.公共汽车来了,咱们上车吧。误:The bus is coming.Let’s get it on.正:The bus is coming.Let’s get on it.析:get on意为“上车”,是由“动词+介词”构成的短语,其宾语
借书满架,偃仰啸歌,冥然兀坐,万籁有声,是读书一境,亦是人生一境。一空谷,一几,一茶;书在手,有鸟声静响。四野动,风动,水动;心不动,无闲事扰人。 Loans full frame, Yan Yan
一位叫马维尔的法国记者去采访林肯。问:据我所知,上两届总统都想过废除黑奴制度,《解放黑奴宣言》早在那个时期就已草就,可是他们都没有签署它。请问总统先生,他们是 A Fr
位于当阳城东、沮河南岸的当阳市玉阳第三初级中学兴建于1993年。学校占地面积45889平方米,校舍面积13649平方米,现有教学班23个,在校学生1500人,在职教职工92人。 学校按照
文章不厌百遍改,这是句老古话了。怎么改? 就是我们常说的删、添、换、改。不信,这就讲几个故事给你听。一次,皇上为一个新近落成的花园题词,题词曰:“真有趣”,显然,这题词