氟中毒(fluorosis)是由于通过饮水、食物和空气等途径长期摄入过量氟,导致人体中氟蓄积,从而引起以氟斑牙、氟骨症为主要特征的一种慢性全身性疾病。氟斑牙又称氟牙症(dental fluorosis)或斑釉牙(mottledenamel),是氟中毒最早出现的、最显而易见的特异性体征,不仅严重损害牙齿的正常功能,还影响美观。氟斑牙的病理变化复杂多样,发病机制尚未充分阐明。
Fluorosis is a chronic systemic disease characterized by fluorosis and skeletal fluorosis as a result of long-term intake of excess fluoride through drinking water, food and air, leading to the accumulation of fluoride in the body. Fluorosis, also known as dental fluorosis or mottledenamel, is the earliest and most obvious specific sign of fluorosis. It not only seriously damages the normal function of teeth but also affects the appearance. The pathological changes of dental fluorosis complex and diverse, the pathogenesis has not been fully elucidated.