Fires of Destruction and Creation

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讲到“火山爆发”,人们自然联想到意大利的古城庞贝(Pompeii),这座建于公元前8世纪的依山傍海的美丽城市竟毁于公元79年的维苏威火山的一次爆发。从此,庞贝城被掩埋在火山灰之下,一直沉睡到1748年,当人们移走成千上万吨的火山灰之后,这座古城才重见天日!“火山爆发”=人类的灾星!这几成人们的思维定势。 所以,当本文大谈火山爆发给我们这个星球造成种种灾难的时候,我们并不感到意外。如: 1991年6月菲律宾的Pinatubo火山爆发: ·“It looks like the end of the world,”said one of the more than 100,000 people who fled for their lives. ·Within weeks,millions of Americans began noticing spectacular sunsets of eerie colors. ·Pinatubo’s haze s thick enough to cool average worldwide temperature by about one degree Fahrenheit for several years…A change of one degree may seem small,but it is enough to influence global winds and ocean currents. 1885年印度尼西亚Java附近的Tambora火山爆发: ·Summer crops in France failed,causing food shortages. ·In New England it snowed in June… 文章有一句话提纲挈领:Volcanoes may trigger other strange weaher.据统计,? When it comes to “volcanic eruptions,” people naturally think of Pompeii, the ancient Italian city. The beautiful city of the mountains and mountains built in the 8th century BC was destroyed by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79. . From then on, Pompeii was buried under the volcanic ash and had been asleep until 1748. When the people removed thousands of tons of volcanic ash, the ancient city was revived! “Volcanic Eruption” = a human disaster! This is a few people’s thinking. So, when this article talked about the volcanic eruption causing various disasters to our planet, we are not surprised. Such as: The Pinatubo eruption in the Philippines in June 1991: · “It looks like the end of the world,” said one of the more than 100,000 people who fled for their lives. ·Within weeks,millions of Americans began noticing spectacular sunsets of Eerie colors. ·Pinatubo’s haze s thick enough to cool average worldwide temperature by about one degree Fahrenheit for several years...A change of one degree may seem small,but it is enough to influence global winds and ocean currents. Tambora volcano eruption: ·Summer crops in France failed, caching food shortages. ·In New England it snowed in June... The article has a sentence that outlines: Volcanoes may trigger other strange weaher.According to statistics,?
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