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对八万八千名中国执业律师来讲,1995年可谓振奋人心而又多灾多难的一年。一方面,以《律师法(草案)》提交八届全国人大常委会第16次会议审议为标志,中国律师体制的改革已向纵深挺进,并逐步与国际惯例接轨,律师在国家政治、经济和社会生活的各个领域日益大显身手;另一方面,集中发生在该年度的几起严重侵犯律师合法权益的案件,数量之多,情节之恶劣,影响之深远,教训之深刻,又是恢复律师制度以来前所未有的,这无疑给蒸蒸日上的中国律师业投下了一道浓重的阴影。 For the 88,000 practicing lawyers in China, 1995 is a year of exciting and catastrophic problems. On the one hand, taking the Lawyers Law (draft) submitted to the 16th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth NPC for review, the reform of the Chinese lawyer system has advanced in depth and gradually converged with international practice. Lawyers’ On the other hand, the number of cases of serious violations of the lawful rights and interests of lawyers, which took place during the year in large numbers, the vicious plot, far-reaching implications and the profound lessons learned were the major reasons for the resumption of the lawyer system Unprecedented, this undoubtedly casts a heavy shadow on the growing Chinese lawyer industry.
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云南省高级人民法院: 你院云法研字[1987]第49号请示报告收悉。关于人民法院已生效的法律文书是否适用民事诉讼法(试行)第一百六十九条规定的申请执行期限,以及哪些已生效的
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“不许吃请受礼”是对公务员最起码的要求,当它变成法律条款来规范司法人员的行为,你不觉得悲哀么? “Do not eat polite” is the minimum requirement for civil servants
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“也许是吧”,一双惊慌的眼睛盯着审判席,希望能从合议庭成员的表情中得到某些信息,他知道,合议庭的意见对他意味着什么。 审判长抬起头,一字一句地告诉他:“在法庭上,不要