推进“绿盟”工程 创建“绿色中国”——为深入实施可持续发展战略致“两会”代表和委员的公开信

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中国人民政治生活中一年一度的庄严盛事——“两会”即将召开。全力推进中国绿色经济联盟工程的部分智业机构(单位),向“两会”代表、委员致以最诚挚的祝愿、祝福与敬意!在您履行代表(委员)的神圣职责之时;当您向大会递交沉甸甸的议案(提案)之时;当您在雄伟的人民大会堂举手表决之时;当您与代表(委员)们相互交流之时;您在多种场合行使代表(委员)权力之时……希望您能对“弘扬绿色文化,振兴绿色经济,推进‘绿盟’工程,创建‘绿色中国’”之理念与工程项目有所关注、关切、关心。绿色文化作为文化的高级表现形态,对推动经济社会可持续发展的先导、促进作用不可或缺。积极研究和探索有效方法和举措,制定相关政策与法规,以此弘扬绿色文化,确立并创建“绿色中国”之宏伟目标,对促进绿色文明的建设和可持续发展战略的实施具有极其重要的现实意义。 The annual solemn event in the political life of the Chinese people - the “two sessions” will be held soon. At the time of fulfilling the sacred duty of the deputies (members), we will spare no efforts to promote some of the intellectual institutions (units) of the China Green Economy Alliance Project and extend our best wishes, blessings and tribute to the delegates and members of the “two sessions” When you submit a heavy motion (proposal) to the General Assembly; when you show your hand at the majestic Great Hall of the People; when you interact with representatives (members); when you exercise representation (committee members) on a variety of occasions; At the time of power, I hope you can pay attention, concern and concern about the concept and project of “promoting green culture, rejuvenating the green economy, promoting the” Green League “project and creating” Green China “. As a high-level cultural expression of green culture, green culture is indispensable for promoting the sustainable development of economy and society. Actively studying and exploring effective methods and measures to formulate relevant policies and regulations in order to carry forward the green culture and establish and create the grand goal of ”green China" are extremely important to promote the construction of a green civilization and the implementation of the strategy of sustainable development The practical significance.
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