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在非典型肺炎肆虐我国的严峻形势下,在人群密集的学校比一般单位呈现出更大的困难。陶研系统的广大教育工作者在各地党和政府的领导下,除了担负维持学校正常的教学活动和教书育人的职责外;又承担起切断SARS病毒的社会流通链、防止SARS病毒侵入校园、保护师生免受感染的重大社会责任。各地陶研工作者纷份根据陶行知先生“活的教育”科学理念,以顽强应对的积板态度迎战非典。香港是疫情先发疫区,澳门中华教育会的刘羡冰先生创议拟定了《预防“非典”学校德育参考提纲及工作建议书》,此书于5月27日在澳门各大报发表,即日电台采访,引起了社会各界的注意,本会方明会长看到建议书后指出:“贵组织不失时机率先提出建议书意义重大。做好抗击非典防疫活动,可以起到移风易俗的作用。”特嘱本刊全文刊登供大家参考;北京是疫情重灾区,北京周边省、市也面临着疫情的严重威胁,这里的陶行知教育思想实验院校是如何应对险情的呢?本刊特约了《邢台学院防治非典有关情况汇报》,供兄弟院校借鉴;另选登陶研学长胡国枢的诗二首:《丰碑——全民杭非典赞歌》、《全民动员杭非典型》,与大家共勉。 In the severe situation in which atypical pneumonia has ravaged our country, more difficulties have appeared in crowd-dense schools than in the average unit. Under the leadership of the local party and government, the majority of educators in the Taoyan System not only shoulder the responsibility of maintaining normal school teaching activities and teaching and educating people, but also take part in cutting off the social chain of transmission of the SARS virus and preventing the SARS virus from intruding into the campus. Protecting teachers and students from major social responsibilities for infection. Taoist workers from all over the country have responded to SARS with a tenacious attitude against Mr. Tao Xingzhi’s “living education” scientific concept. Hong Kong was the epidemic first-episode epidemic area. Mr. Liu Yubing of the Chinese Education Association of Macau initiated and drafted the “Prevention, SARS, and School Moral Education Reference Outline and Work Proposal,” which was published on May 27 in major newspapers in Macau. Radio interviews have aroused the attention of all sectors of the society. After reading the proposal, President Fang Ming pointed out that: “Your organization has no doubt that it is important to take the lead in proposing a proposal. To fight against SARS epidemic prevention, you can play a role in changing the customs.” The full text of Amnesty International is published for your reference; Beijing is the hardest-hit area, and neighboring provinces and cities in Beijing are also facing serious threats. How does the Tao Xingzhi Educational Thought Experimental Institute deal with dangerous situations? The “Report on the Prevention and Treatment of SARS in Xingtai University” was used for reference by brothers and universities; the second poem of Deng Guoyan, President Hu Guoshu, was selected: “Fengbei - The Battle of the People’s Republic of Hangzhou”, and “Amazon mobilizes Hangzhou to be atypical”.
列方程是解应用题的首选方法.一些贴近生活实际的热点中考题,用方程思想分析,可巧妙构造一元二次方程或二元一次方程组寻求问题圆满解决.一、进球人数知多少例1 某班进行个
关于诗歌的社会功能,孔子所谓“诗可以兴,可以观,可以群,可以怨”的论断,一直被中国诗学奉为经典之论。所谓兴观群怨,一般认为,“兴”指 As for the social function of poe
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