The hypothesis of the proximity of Australia to Thailand and Malaysia during the Early Paleozoic (the Mui Sapi area of Siem Reap) was validated by studying the Ordovician sequence and fauna in Massu, Siem Reap and Australia. Those that grew in narrower Nautilus in geography is strikingly similar in both regions, with a first-level Simpson coefficient of 0.92. Two new genera of the Pernaeta are limited to these two regions, whereas Georgina and Mesaktoceras are found only in these two regions Tibet. The gastropods, the multi-plate, and the beak-shell molluscs in both regions are very similar. The Ordovician brachiopods are similar (including Spanodoata). In addition, the Late Cambrian trilobite fossils, Ordovician teeth The petrolatum and stratosphere insects are also very similar, and neither the North Australian nor the Mauser in the study found any fauna younger than the upper White Rock. Most of the two regions, from the Upper White Rock The sequence of the Upper Ordovician may be missing.The extreme facies of these fauna provide us with good evidence of the hypothesis that the Siem Reap Massaci block was adjacent to Australia during the Early Paleozoic.North China, The similarities in fauna in Southeast Asia, Tibet and Australia also indicate that in the early Paleozoic these plots were very close to each other.