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2004年4月2日中午,重庆市精神卫生中心附属医院一狂躁症患者在护士办公室把28岁的护士王某活活打死,值班医生杜某被打成重伤;2004年10月11日,山东省精神卫生中心门诊楼朱大夫被一名男青年用菜刀砍伤,朱奋力夺门逃出,男青年当即追上,又连砍数刀。朱大夫当日下午两点因抢救无效死亡。经检查,朱大夫被砍30余刀……精神病院的医护工作是一项有危险的职业,然而人们对这一职业的危险性又了解多少?长期以来,在我们传统的观念里,似乎只有拿手术刀的,把脉开药的才是真正意义上的医生,而对于这些医治人们精神创伤的医务工作者,往往知之甚少,也不够重视。在当今快节奏的城市生活中,人们的精神卫生问题日益突出,各种各样的精神疾病正悄然向人们袭来。对精神病人的治疗和护理这一职业的依赖,不仅是精神病患者的,也是患者亲属的,更是全社会精神健康事业的永久需求。因此,国人不能忽视这一职业,更不能忽视从事这一职业的人们,尽管她们处在城市的一隅,尽管她们尚未走进你的视野。但愿通过一些见闻和感受,能够让我们更多了解这些医护人员的艰辛,记住他们的付出。 At noon on April 2, 2004, a manic epidemic patient in the Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Mental Health Center killed a 28-year old nurse Wang Mou in a nurse’s office. Du Zhi, a doctor on duty, was seriously injured; October 11, 2004, Shandong Zhu Fu, the outpatient building of the Provincial Mental Health Center, was chopped by a young man with a kitchen knife. Zhu Fenli took the door and escaped. The young man immediately caught up, and he even chopped several knives. Zhu Fu died at two o’clock in the afternoon because of rescue. After inspection, Dr. Zhu was cut more than 30 knives... The medical work in the mental hospital is a dangerous profession. However, how much do people know about the danger of this profession? For a long time, in our traditional concept, it seems that only Doctors who use scalpels to open medicines in the veins are doctors in the real sense. For these medical workers who treat people’s trauma, they often know little about it and pay insufficient attention to it. In today’s fast-paced urban life, people’s mental health problems are increasingly prominent, and various mental illnesses are quietly hitting people. The dependence on the treatment and care of the mentally ill is not only a mental patient, but also a relative of the patient. It is also a permanent demand for the mental health of the whole society. Therefore, people in the country cannot ignore this profession, let alone people who are engaged in this profession, even though they are in a corner of the city, even though they have not yet come into your vision. I hope that with some insights and feelings, we can let us know more about the hardships of these medical personnel and remember their contributions.