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(2009年10~11月)“金九银十”销量动荡上升在近日结束的第106届中国进出口商品交易会(广交会)上,出口成交额为304.7亿美元,比今年春交会增加了42.4亿美元,增幅为16.2%;比去年秋交会减少10.8亿美元,降幅为3.4%。其中服装及衣着附件成交17.9亿美元,增长11%;纺织品成交16.3亿美元,增长1.4%。这无疑透视出世界经济形势中的积极变化在不断增多,国际金融市场趋于稳定,美欧日等发达 (From October to November 2009) Sales of “Jiujiuyinn 10” Rises Unexpectedly, at the 106th China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair), which concluded recently, the export turnover was 30.47 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 42.4 over this year’s spring trade fair One hundred million U.S. dollars, an increase of 16.2%, a drop of 1.08 billion U.S. dollars from the autumn trade fair last year, a decrease of 3.4%. Of which, the turnover of clothing and accessories reached 1.79 billion U.S. dollars, up 11%. The turnover of textiles was 1.63 billion U.S. dollars, up 1.4%. This undoubtedly shows that the positive changes in the world economic situation are steadily increasing and the international financial markets tend to be stable. The United States, Europe, Japan and other developed countries
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她一脸阴云地回到家里,靠在沙发上,闭起眼睛,寻思着如何是好。丈夫从外边回来,看到她的样儿,惊诧地问:“咋地?身体不舒服吗?” She returned to her home in a cloud of dar
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洛·马公司12月15日宣布,洛·马商业航天系统成功扩展与日本商业卫星运营商最新合作,将为日本广播卫星系统公司(B-Sat)和Sky Perfect JSat Corp.建造BSat-3c/JSat-110R通信卫
A finite difference scheme in cylindrical coordinates was used to study the three dimensional (3D) motion of a vortex ring with swirl and the passage interacti
今年以来,山东省临沂军分区以军事斗争准备为龙头,全面落实科学发展观, 按照“提高能力强素质、瞄着弱项求突破、勇于创新谋发展、注重实效抓落实”的总体思路,努力进取,真抓
美国能源部长与《科技商评》的记者谈论尤卡山核动力废物站的未来,以及为什么燃料电池汽车已没有前途。 The U.S. Secretary of Energy talked with the S & T corresponden