Sinicization of Marxism: from the Perspective of Intercultural

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  【Abstract】Communication concurred with human culture and it promoted cultural development and change, whereas in intercultural communication, translation bridges languages and cultural barriers. Given an overview of the chief proponents as well as the features of translating and translation theories, the Skopos theory comes to the front, the purpose of which is to put translation in a social context to study its socio-cultural functions. Through the example of the communication process of Marxsim theory, the reader can have an overview about the the Skopos theory and its guiding function in intercultural communication and translation.
  【Key words】translation studies; Marxsim theory; intercultural communication; Skopos theory
  1.The releationship between intercultural communication and translation.The existing combination studies of translation and communication theory only scatter in small area of translation, and there is lacking of case study of the combination of the translation and intercultural communication. So using a translation theory to guide the case analysis is conducive to understanding the relationship between intercultural communication and translation.
  Translation has the characteristics of purpose, transmission and cross-culture. In the process of translation, the translator always consciously or unconsciously takes specific translation recipient groups as an object, makes the translation in the target language environment, that is, the purpose of the translation process. Though the translation, people are stuck in a culture, overcome the language barrier and communication activities, and finish the process of transmissing a culture through the exchange of language symbols or nonverbal symbols. In the process of translation, the translator translates primitive culture symbols into the target language culture symbols so that undoubtedly has a strong cross-cultural communication meaning.
  2.The guidance of skopos theory in translation.German functionalist theory appeared in the 70s and its consists of three major parts, that is, Reiss’s text typology, Reiss’s text typology, Vermeer ad Nord’s Skopos Theory, Mantarri’s Theory of Translation Action. Among them, Skopos theory is the most important theory in the functional school of translations studies. It holds that translation is an intentional cross-cultural communication, it serves as the main guiding theory of this paper, which embodies the definition and concept of the essence of translation. This theory regards the translational action and translation belong to different spheres. It can be seen that the connotation of translation action is a purposeful intercultural communication and transmission.   Also, Vermeer tries to set up a bridge between the practice and theory, in which translation plays the role of transformation and a kind of human behavior. Futhermore, an action can render the appearance of the other actions, situations or affairs, that is, the reason why Vermeer names this theory as skopos theory. Vermeer think that there are three purpose of translation: purpose of the translator, purpose of the translation’s transmission, and specific purpose of which the translation strategies want to achieve. It is the sponsor of the translation behavior that decides the spread purpose of the translation. But the translator is not a passively acceptor, he may concurrently be the initiator or be the participater in determing the purpose of translation.
  3.The translation of Marxism theory in China.Sinicization of Marxism is the product of translation. Marxism closely connects with translation at the very beginning when it inspires people to set up the ideal of socialism, solve social problems and guide China’s revolution. From the early development process, translation made a solid foundation for Marxism and promoted the organic combination of the basic principle of Marxism with the practice of Chinese revolution so that promoted the sinicization of Marxism.
  Marxist theory in China’s transmissed from three channels, respectively Japan, Western Europe and Russia. Since the Meiji restoration, the Japanese society made great development and has become the source of new thoughts for China. Because the two countries were neighbors separated only by a strip of water, in the late period of Qing dynasty, most of Chinese students went further study in Japan. The success of the October Revolution and the establishment of the first socialist country in the world——Soviet Russia—— made Marxist widespread around the world and made an unprecedented development. Aso, it provided a pattern for China to follow. Therefore, the translation from Soviet Russia were growing rapidly, Beijing Morning News, New Youth, Weekly Review and other newspapers became the pioneer for translating Marxism.Under the stimulus of the October Revolution and with the help of the New Culture Movement, the scientific and democratic ideas surged the spread of Marxism in China.
  In order to solve the social problem in China, at that time the translators were always using the way of transcription, selective translation, amplification and omission to reach their purpose of widespreading the ideology of Marxism. In spite of translation, interpretation was also an important way. According to the textual research of Li Nanqiu, when the Comintern sent Wei Kinski, Marin to China to discuss the establishment of the Communist Party with Li Dazhao and Chen Duxiu, Zhang Tailei and Yang Mingzhai made a lot of interpretation work for them on different occasions, which made great contribution to the communication with the Comintern.
  4.Conclusion.In sum, translation, as an important medium of intercultural communication, has the some similar characteristics with intercultural communication. The cultural turn in translation studies and the translation turn in cultural studies both represent a tendency, a breakthrough, and a hot topic in the present field of translation studies. This paper, from the perspective of intercultural communication, is an academic interpretation about the indispensable function and role that translation for introducing Western culture into Chinese culture.
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