中药红花味辛性温,为菊科红花属植物红花Carthamus tinctorius L.的花,能活血、通经、祛淤止痛,对ADP诱导的大鼠或兔血小板聚集反应均有抑制作用。对人血小板聚集功能的影响如何?我们做了初步的体外试验。现将结果报导如下。试验方法一、对象:任意选择正常成人29例和儿童1例,其中男18例,女12例,年龄最小9岁,最大74岁。临床检查无器质性疾病。二、血小板聚集功能的测定: 1.抽取空腹静脉血2.7毫升加3.8%枸橼酸钠0.3毫升,低速离心(1000转/分)5分钟,吸取上层血浆为富血小板血浆(PRP),其血小板计数为150—200×10~9/L。
The flavonoids of traditional Chinese medicine safflower are warm, and are flowers of Carthamus tinctorius L., a safflower plant of the genus Compositae, which can promote blood circulation, pass through the meridians, relieve congestion and relieve pain, and inhibit ADP-induced platelet aggregation in rats or rabbits. How does the platelet aggregation function affect humans? We performed a preliminary in vitro test. The results are reported below. Test method 1. Subject: 29 normal adults and 1 child were randomly selected, including 18 males and 12 females, the youngest being 9 years old and the oldest 74 years old. Clinical examination without organic disease. Second, the determination of platelet aggregation function: 1. Extraction of fasting venous blood 2.7 ml plus 3.8% sodium citrate 0.3 ml, low-speed centrifugation (1000 rev / min) for 5 minutes, draw the upper plasma to platelet rich plasma (PRP), the platelet The count is 150-200×10~9/L.